Ch. 18. Peter... It's true

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About 10 months later the wedding was held. It was absolutely beautiful. You and Peter had just returned from your honey moon. You guys were settling into Peters little house.
Peter: Soon enough we will have to get a bigger house.
You: Why this little house is perfect for us.
Peter: The closet in our bedroom is extremely tiny and you have more clothes then anyone I've ever met. And I mean there's only one bedroom so if we wanted a baby that might not work.
You: Peter we're seniors in high school. You really want a baby now?
Peter: I've always really... well never mind.
You: Peter we graduate soon. And as soon as we do let's have this same conversation. Ok?
Peter: Ok?

Going into school the next day was weird. Everyone knew about the marriage. You guys were seniors this seemed crazy. But you didn't let that get to you. Everyone asked to see the ring. You showed them with joy. This is the beautiful ring Peter had gotten you and you loved it.

Other than that school was normal mostly. Except during Aca Deca you got sick out of nowhere. Peter ran out of the room after you and into the girls bathroom.
You: Peter you can't be in here.
Peter: Um well I am so...
You: yah ok
Peter: what's wrong y/n
You: I'm not sure I've felt a little off today.
That's when it hit you. Could you be pregnant? Of course you and Peter had sex on your honey moon. But could this be happening.
You: Peter I'm gonna go home. Tell the Aca Deca team that. Ok?
Peter: Ok. Call me later I should be home in 3 hours.
You: Alright.
You went outside got in your car and drove to the pharmacy. There you picked up 3 pregnancy tests. You went home and tried all three. All three came back positive. You were happy yet scared. You were gonna become a mom at 18. You graduate high school in 4 months and you turn 18 in April. This all seemed to move to quickly. But Peter would be thrilled.
Just like he had said Peter got there about three hours later. This boy is never late.
You: Peter sit on the couch we uh... um well... we need to talk.
Peter: Oh gosh what did I do.
You: You didn't do anything. Well yes you kinda did.
You giggled*
Well anyways so I don't know how to put this.
Peter: just say it. You're kinda scaring me.
You: Peter we're gonna have a baby.
Peter: Y/n your joking
You: Peter... it's true.
Peter: Oh my goodness I love you!!
You: I love you too
Peter: You're gonna be such a great mom. And Me!! ME!!! IM GONNA BE A DAD. Ahhh y/n you're beautiful.
You: thank You Peter. Are you ready to start the next chapter of our lives?
Peter: I'm ready!

Sorry for the crap ending. I wanted to finish it up because I'm gonna start a Tom Imagine. Don't leave I'll start the Tom one soon.

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