Clinging To The Memories

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Spoilers warning for the latest Sanders Sides video!

I was inspired to do this by the latest video because there are so many emotionally charged moments that could be twisted into other things. This is mostly down to the last part where Logan mentions Patton being unable to get over one guy and Pattons mood instantly changes from happy to broken. Seriously the latest video is so full of emotional stuff and the cliffhanger for this one is just as bad if not worse than the accepting anxiety one. I can't stop watching it I love it so much! Also I know this part is probably a bit all over the place with the dialogue and stuff but I haven't uploaded in a while and the longer stuff isn't complete yet.

Patton forced a smile after his slip up of saying sad instead of dad. He could see Logans mind ticking and at first he thought he was going to call him out on it or ask if he was OK but instead all that came from his lips was a fed up comment about the cat onsie.

He kept up his smile as best he could and did the usual bantering back and forth with everyone but inside he just wanted to cry. He couldn't stop thinking about what had happened a couple weeks ago.

Logan sighed and looked away. "I'm sorry Patton, I just can't do this anymore"

Patton was standing staring at the floor, tears trailing down his face. "please Logan..." Patton pleaded in a shaky voice but Logan closed his eyes and said "no. It's over."

Patton let out a sob, turned and ran out of the room. He dashed into his own room and shut the door before sliding down the closed door. He couldn't believe it was over.
*end of flashback*

Patton tubed back into the conversation to hear Logan say things will get better and couldn't help but ask "will they?"

His question was also asked by Virgil but everyone looked at him in shock at his less than cheery mood.

Patton struggled to put up a large smile on his face but when he did he could feel the skeptical looks from Logan.

Thomas suddenly made a loud exclamation, startling Virgil who complained and then turning to Patton and shouting his name.

Patton jumped slightly and Thomas apologised for being to excited before going on to explain his idea.

Patton was proud of Thomas for managing to think of a solution on his own but he was worried. Worried about all the less than happy feelings he'd locked away to keep Thomas safe.

"I hold on to all of your emotions." Patton said, his attempt at trying to warn Thomas but it seemed no one picked up on it.

Instead he tried another tactic "my rooms kind of messy, I don't think this is a good idea."

Logan heard and immediately said "you want to help Thomas right?"

Patton barely got out a small "yes" before Logan cut in with a harsh "then we're doing this."

It took everything Patton had not to physically wince at the harsh tone Logan was using.

"I guess this is happening." Patton said quietly to himself as he sunk down. He appeared in his room first and quickly put up his happiest cheeriest expression before the others appeared too. This was going to be difficult.

"I don't even know why I was so hesitant!" Patton exclaimed with a beaming grin.

The others all admired the room with awe and Patton quickly grabbed something and shoved it towards Thomas. If Thomas was distracted by his nostalgia for everything then there was no way he would pick up on Pattons less than happy feelings at the moment.

Everyone else was unknowingly helping by bringing up old memories but Logan as per usual started to try and bring them back on topic.

Patton tried his best to block out Logans voice as he tried to get them to focus on the future. Patton didn't want to think of the future or how he'd be alone forever, never finding love because Logan shattered his heart and Patton couldn't put it back together. It was like a jigsaw puzzle with missing pieces and Patton was sure those missing pieces were with Logan who had no intention of giving them back.

"Thomas is a habitual worrier, anxiety always has a seat at the table when it comes to making decisions." Logan said and Patton tried to hold back his frown.

"is that bad for my room?" he asked unable to hold back the slight bitter tone.

Logan started to explain that Virgil was being affected by the room but Patton didn't want to hear it. All he could think about was how much Logan loved to bring him down and insult his intelligence.

Despite this though Patton still loved him. It wasn't healthy but Patton couldn't help but cling to the memory of late night kisses, cuddling while watching movies, stealing each other's glasses to plant surprise kisses.

Patton felt like crying and managed to focus back on the conversation and heard Logan saying they had to leave.

Roman immediately disagreed "we haven't even gotten to all the Broadway shows he was in."

Patton chimed in too "and all these old photographs, look at them!" he flicked through a bunch of photos with Thomas in them and tried to forget all the ones of him and Logan that he had locked away.

"all this because Patton can't let go of one guy?" Logan finally burst out and Patton couldn't hold back anymore.

"Logan could you stop?... Please?" Pattons voice shook as he tried not to cry and he gave Logan a warning look.

Logan seemed to freeze up as memories of what had happened a few weeks ago popped into his mind. He pushed them away and quickly left, unable to deal with the overwhelming emotions that being on Pattons room made him feel.

Patton was surprised at Logans retreat but as everyone else exchanged shocked expressions, (horrified and panicky in Virgils case as the person who keeps him grounded bailed and left him to deal with whatever consequences would happen from being in Pattons room), he turned back to the photos in his hand trying to stop himself from shaking.

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