You're probably rich too.

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Last Time: "Well I must be on my way." She announced. "I have to notify the headmaster. I'll be back early tomorrow. I shall try to remember to use the door." She flicked the stick, Danny supposed it was a wand, and the wooden chair reverted to a lamp, which was now fixed and she disappeared with a loud crack that made Danny wonder how they hadn't heard her in the first place.

"That's really handy." Danny said despite everything.

And Now:

As promised Minerva turned up early in the morning. Using the front door this time. Jazz answered it and let her in to where she found Danny eating cereal nonchalantly on the couch, that happened to be floating again. "How you missed such impressive displays of magic is beyond me." Minerva said.

"We thought it was ghosts." Maddie admitted, wearing something other than a jumpsuit for once. It was just jeans and a simple teal flannel shirt but Jazz was just surprised to see her mother without the jumpsuit.

"Sho i'sh no' ghos's?" Danny asked with a fork in his mouth. Both Maddie and Minerva struggled to understand what he'd said but Jazz seemed to understand perfectly.

"No its apparently a manifestation of your enate magical powers." She responded. Danny blinked and then frowned.

"You eat a dictionary last night?" He asked waving the fork, now out of his mouth, in her direction.

"It's called, expanding my vocabulary." Jazz sniffed indignantly.

"It's called, you're a nerd." Danny teased. The siblings made faces at each other which were cut short by a soft chuckle of a man who'd accompanied Minerva.

"Forgive me, sibling rivalry is always cute at this age." The old man in arguably weirder clothes than 24/7 jumpsuits. To Danny anyway, Jazz classed his attire as a close second, she was made of tougher stuff. "Old enough to be a bit mature but young enough to still be playful."

"Daniel this the headmaster. Professor Albus Dumbledore."

"Nice to meet you, sir." Danny said from his perch upon the couch, still floating.

"As it is equally nice to meet you." Albus responded with bright twinkling eyes. Danny felt like he was a good man, a man with secrets but a good man. Danny was usually a good judge of character. Except when it came to pretty mean girls by the name of Paulina. And, keeping a secret of his own, he usually could tell when people harboured their own secret. A good example of when this wasn't the case was with his mother, and it was a doozy of a secret she'd had. That thought brought his mood down and with his mood fell the couch. Danny made a noise of surprise as the couch dropped to the ground. He bounced on the cushion and then landed on the ground. "A very graceful landing." Albus mused.

"Danny and graceful aren't a common pair." Jazz snorted. Danny stuck his tongue out.

"Are you coming with us, sir?" Maddie asked. Albus shook his head.

"No my dear, I'm just here to give Danny his Vault Keys."

"My Vault Keys?" Asked Danny as he sat, now on the floor, with his empty bowl of cereal.

"For your vaults." Albus responded with a nod.

"Vaults. As in for Money?" Jazz queried.


"As in multiple?"

"Spot on."

"Cool." Danny interjected.

"Yes quite. Here you go." Albus bent slightly and handed Danny two keys, one was small and silver and the other was gold, big and extremely decorated, Danny suspected with real jewels. Before Danny could ask anything the man disappeared with a crack.

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