Friends with a Ghost?

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Last Time: They were cut off from their very important conversation by food appearing on the tables and Danny practically screeching in delight. "Yes! Thank the almighty stars, food!!!" He hissed. The whole table laughed at his antics as he began to eat heartily, feeding bits to the owl that was again perched in his hair.

And Now:
- - -

Along with the other Hufflepuff first years, Danny was given a yellow tie, which he groaned at. "I don't know how to tie this thing." He grumbled.

"I can do it." Hannah offered. They were sitting in the Hufflepuff common room, Danny was impressed by the secret entrance and the fact they were so close to the kitchens. He handed the girl the piece of cloth and she put it around her neck, tying it and then slipping it off. "Just tighten it when you put it on. I'll do it in the mornings for you." Danny smiled in appreciation.

"Thank, we don't have uniforms back at my old school." Danny grumbled.

"Is America cool? I heard you all get guns!" Argus asked leaning back from his position near the fire. Some of the few pureblood kids whispering were about what an earth a gun was.

"It's not that bad." Danny assure them. "Only one I know who has a gun is the guy who lives across the street and it's just a rifle he uses when hunting. He's a nice guy." He didn't feel the need to mention the fact his parents had guns, those things only hurt ghosts after all.

Danny was curled up in a cushy arm chair that seemed to sink and promise that getting up was going to be a chore, but it was comfy. After a bit of talking, mingling with students from all years, Winston and two other sixth years came in with warm milk from the kitchens and after that is was off to bed. Danny didn't know what he'd been so worried about, no one seemed to really care who is family was, only who he was. He snuggled into an unbelievably comfortable bed fell asleep instantly.

He woke again sometime later and couldn't figure out why until his ghost sense went off again. Any sleepiness he had was gone and he sat up to come face to face with a young girl. Despite himself he yelled out, startling some of the first year boys around him awake. They all stared at the ghost who floated over Danny's bed, oddly close to him. The room lit up as the head boy Felix came in to investigate the sound.

"Moaning Myrtle? What are you doing out of the bathroom." Felix asked tiredly. The ghost pouted and looked back at Felix.

"What? Am I not allowed to leave sometimes?" She whined.

"That's not what I meant. But it's late, why are you scaring the first years." Felix sighed.

"I wasn't scared." Danny protested. "She startled me." He wriggled back so the girl wasn't so close to him. He's been told that there were several ghosts at Hogwarts, and other than Peeves none of them would cause any trouble. He'd asked Minerva, out of ear shot of his parents. She assured him there would be nothing to 'fear', Danny had been more worried about having nothing to 'fight'. He honestly wanted to do well in school, his grades had slumped due to ghost fighting back at Amity and he didn't want it to happen here. Myrtle giggled and turned back to him.

"Oh yes, it was a very manly scream." She assured him. Danny felt his cheeks grow hot.

"You were inches from my face, what did you think I was gonna do? Say hi?" He huffed.

"I just wanted to see what all the fuss was about. All the ghosts are talking about you." Myrtle said. She smiled knowingly but seemed to silently promise she wouldn't say much more than that.

"I figured you'd be talking about Harry Potter." Felix said more awake now. Some of the first years, deciding there was no threat, went back to bed, while others watched in silent curiousity.

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