The Art of Becoming.

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Last Time: "Hey! Harry did it, he caught the snitch. They won, Danny, Gryffindor won!" Dale said shaking his poor friend around wildly.

"Oh, cool. Do you win by eating this stitch thingy?" Danny asked which led to a long and wordy explanation of the games fundamentals... Again.

And Now:

Danny had been chewing thoughtfully on his bacon when a heavy parcel dropped onto his breakfast. He looked at the owl, who'd carried the thing which was impressive, incredulously. "You're lucky I like owls more than I like my breakfast he mumbled casting a nifty charm Dina taught him that shrunk the parcel so he could put it in his pocket. He then fed the owl some food and watched it take off. He winced as Spooky, jealous, nipped at his ear. "You're always my favourite, Spooky." He assured the bird who hooted in satisfaction.

He was about to eat when an owl dropped another parcel on his food. He hissed in annoyance. The other parcel has been potion ingredients, this one had no clue as to what it was. He prodded at the box and it moved. He leaned back and looked at it like it was cursed. "Hey Dale, you wanna open it?" He asked. Dale shook his head. Danny opened the parcel and saw it was from Clockwork, some books that the time ghost said would be good to study if he wanted to do well in class or just wanted to learn some extra spells. But along side them, chewing on a squeaky toy was a familiar green dog.

"Oh." Danny said.

"What is that?!" Dina cried.

"Awe, he's cute." Hannah cooed.

"Mr Black what on earth is this?" Minerva asked, she'd hurried over followed by Snape and unfortunately Quirrel which caused the uncomfortable feeling of his ghost sense getting stuck in his throat. Danny grinned sheepishly.

"Books?" He offered.

"And." Snape growled.

"A-and my dog... Who's kind of a ghost."

"D-d-Dogs aren't p-permitted as school p-pets especially ghost d-dogs." Quirrel stuttered out. Danny sometimes wondered that if you were to slap him upside the head would the words come tumbling out. Cujo didn't like Quirrel at all. The little green dog growled but had the sense not to change into his bigger form. Danny had trained him not to unless he asked the pup to.

"Well I certainly didn't ask that he be sent here." Danny replied. "He must have snuck into the parcel when my... Uncle wasn't looking." Danny picked up the wriggly dog and and Cujo began to lick his face, making him laugh. "I missed you too buddy."

"Well he can't stay here." Snape snapped.

"He'll go home once he's tired." Danny said. "And since it's the weekend it should be fine if I take him to the Quiddich pitch and play with him for a while, right? I'll make sure my uncle is more careful next time."

"I suppose it's okay." Minerva agreed. "As long as he's sent home today. On another note those are some very old and very valuable text." She said eyeing one in particular about transfiguration and Snape was practically salivating at all the ancient potions books. No doubt there were potions long since lost or never seen before in them.

"My uncle likes to collect them. I asked that he send some interesting ones down for me to read in my spare time. Said I can keep these ones." Danny lied smoothly. He held out the transfiguration one. "You can borrow it if you want." Minerva grasped the book and nodded.

"I would very much like to read over it. Thank you. I will return it when I'm done. Remember, your canine friend is to go home today."

"Yes professor." Danny answered. He glanced at Snape, who didn't look pleased with this outcome. Danny tilted his head. "Would you like to borrow a book Professor Snape, sir?" He asked as good naturedly as he could.

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