Harry ate a Stitch?

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Last Time: "I might have... Mocked her a bit. She was being a know-it-all..." Ron sighed. "I'll say sorry when I see her next, come on, the Halloween feast is waiting." Danny rolled his eyes. He sat with the Gryffindors for the feast, apparently until he'd come along most people didn't really bother to sit with other houses. Now it was a bit more common. A really sweet girl from Slytherin sometimes sat with Dale when he wasn't in the bathroom with the others. Danny smirked deviously every time she came over. Dale seemed to really enjoy her company. Kenzie was nice, not at all like the other Slytherin's Danny had the displeasure of meeting. Everyone was jolted from their merriment when Professor Quirell stormed into the great all shrieking about trolls in dungeons before fainting. All hell broke loose.

And Now:

Saving a girl he'd never officially met from a mountain troll was so far the highlight of his year. The girl, Hermione, had gone to the bathroom to cry because Ron had really hurt her feelings when the Troll had come up from the dungeons and went into the bathroom. Danny had managed to pull her out of the way of a large wooden club just in time, using his own body to cover her from a shower of sink shards and water. Harry had gotten his wand stuck in the trolls nose and Ron made a good show of knocking the beast out with its own weapon. Danny helped Hermione up just as the teachers came. Some points were taken, some where given. Danny had shaken his entire body vigorously to get rid of bits of sink and shake off some of the water. He grinned sheepishly as Harry who'd caught the brunt of the water that was flicked off. But Harry wasn't paying attention to that, he was looking at a wound on Snape's leg. While they were walking back to the feast Harry told them his suspicions.

"Wait hold up. Why does a few claw marks make you think he let the troll in?" Danny asked.

"That's right, you weren't there." Harry realised.

"Where?" Danny frowned.

"The other night we ended up on the third floor because of the staircases. Scared of being caught by Filch we tried to hide in a small room but inside was this huge three headed dog guarding a trap door." Ron explained.

"Oooh, I love dogs, was it cute?" Danny asked.

"Oh yeah sure, it was very cute as it was trying to maul our faces off." Ron said sarcastically.

Danny shrugged and turned back to Harry. "So you think he was trying to get down into the trap door? You can't be sure those marks were made by the dog."

"What else could have made them?" Harry huffed.

"I don't know. I hear the forest is home to some dangerous things." Danny responded, and Harry had to admit it was a plausible explanation.

"And besides, a teacher would never do something so dangerous as to bring a troll near students." Hermione added. Danny elbowed Ron and cleared his throat.

"What? Oh right. Hermione?" Ron said. "Sorry I made fun of you. You were just trying to help."

Hermione considered the apology for a moment. "Well, I was showing off a bit, and you did kind of save my life, so I think we're even." She said with a smile. Danny put a hand to his chest and pulled the three lions into a hug.

"Look at this friendship. Truly beautiful." He said dramatically.
- - -

"You did what?!" Dina cried, she lifted Danny's arms and prodded at his stomach and back and shoulders, checking for injuries.

"Saved a girl from a mountain troll's club. I didn't exactly defeat it but I like to think my contribution helped it's downfall." Danny said as the girl continued to circle him.

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