You're also kind of Adopted...

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Last time: "Mum?" Danny turned to the woman who would set this whole mess straight and send the crazy woman on her way. Except maddie just looked at him with sad and worried eyes. "Mum...?"

"I'm sorry Danny. My boy. My precious boy." Maddie whispered.

And Now:

Danny's jaw dropped, that hadn't been what he'd wanted her to say. "Mum." He said with a frown. "That's not funny." Maddie smiled gently at her child, because no matter what he would always be her child.

"Danny, we don't love you any less. You know that. You are our son, always and forever." Jack said. Danny's already pale completion seemed to drain of any colour and Jazz gasped and held him closer shaking her head.

"You are joking. Please." She begged.

"Danny, you... You weren't born a Fenton. You were given to us. Because you are special sweetie. You are so very special." Maddie reached out beckoning her children to her. Both scrambling from the steps over to her. She held them both in her arms.

"Why don't we all sit down and we can go over this slowly." The woman offered. "I realise this may be a delicate process." The family gazed at the tattered and charred remains of their couch and the woman's gaze flickered to Danny who shook his head quickly and looked at his father.

"I shot it." Jack said with no real enthusiasm anymore. The woman raised her eye brow and peered at the wreckage over her glasses, drawing out what looked like a stick and with a flick and a word Danny didn't quite catch the couch was fixed, good as new, right down to the soup stain from the week before when Danny's hand had gone intangible, spilling his dinner all over the couch. The family sat down, the woman turning the broken lamp into a wooden chair and sitting opposite to them, gesturing for them to deal with their family issues.

"After Jazz we wanted another child. But no matter how hard we tried it was impossible. The complications we'd had with Jazz had left me unable to bare children again-"

"Complications?" Danny asked alarmed.

"Jazz had gotten... Stuck the wrong way, the operation ended up going well until I got an infection. I was left sterile once I recovered." Maddie said, pain evident in her voice. "So we began to look to adopt, Jazz wanted a little brother so badly. She kept insisting we find her one." Jasmine turned a little red but pulled Danny closer to her. "She was too young to understand our difficulty. We looked at so many potential boys, all in need of a home. But we just couldn't find the right one. Nothing felt right. And then... And then Minerva appeared to us." Maddie gestured to the woman who bowed her head in acknowledgement.

"You see, magic exists, my mother was a witch, a muggleborn, which means neither of her parents were magical. I'm not magical either. But I grew up knowing about this world. My mother had gone to a school in Scotland, famous for being the best school for magical boys and girls. She had kept in touch with Minerva who'd gone to school with her even after they graduated and lived in different countries. My mother had spoken about my woes with Minerva, wondering if there was a magical remedy."

"Which there is but it isn't advised to use on non magical beings." Minerva intervened. Danny hardly found that relevant.

"So a year passed, Jazz turned three and a disaster struck the wizarding world. A very evil man, who was rising in power has begun to hunt down families, looking for a boy who fit the prophecy as the one to defeat him, to destroy him. And he found the boy, killed his parents and tried to kill him." Danny's shoulders tensed. "But for some reason the attempt was reversed and the man perished instead. The baby was sent to live with his relatives in London." Danny blinked. He wasn't in London last time he checked. "At that time a friend of the baby's parents also had a son. This man's name was Sirius Black. He and his late wife who'd died in childbirth had a boy just a few months younger than the child of his friends. Sirius was accused of having told the evil man where to find his friends. Sirius was arrested, cast into the magical prison and has been there ever since. That man... That man is your father Danny." Madeline said. Danny blinked. So, if he was on track. His parents weren't his parents, magic is real, his real parents are magic and were best friends with a family that had a beef with some kind of mass murderer, his father is said to have told said mass murderer where to find that family and the murderer was killed while trying to kill the baby. They blamed his father for it and sent him to jail.

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