Honest Train Rides.

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Last Time: Once they'd stopped to get some lunch, Minerva told him that once in school he was to call her Professor McGonagall. She also explained things like the currency, housing at school, Quidditch if he was interested, and several other topics, he was very impressed with the topic of transfiguration which made her happy to know. She then smiled at the boy, owl nestled comfortably in his shaggy hair, his icy and yet soft blue eyes looking at her with respect, appreciation and joy. He was nothing like what people expected a Lord from the most noble and prestigious house of Black to be. He was definitely aligned to the light. If he was to be involved in the war Albus said was coming, though she hoped he would not, he would be a wonderful ally. "But outside of school you may call me Minerva." She added fondly

And Now:

Danny stood beside his mother inside the Courdaroy estate. Petra insisted the family use her fire place to flu travel until they got theirs set up. Danny had just finished the the multiple hugs each family member gave and the few that an emotional Petra gave as well. She had grown very close to the Fenton's during the week leading up to school. Danny and Jazz even called her Gran now. Danny promised to send letter to her as well as his family regularly. He'd been anxious at first. Fearing the ghosts would run amok while he was gone. But Clockwork assured him that the town would be just fine.

So he and Minerva were off to London to catch a train. Danny asked why they didn't just flu to the castle which she answered the train was a good opportunity to make friends before the school environment and housing interfered. Which Danny decided was a good idea as his family's reputation was going to make it hard enough to make friends as it was. Minerva had told him what to do before she'd apparated away but Danny had been too nervous to listen. Now he was stuck. Until he over heard people talking. He recognised the voice of the boy again. From the bank and the wand shop. His large companion was missing. Danny walked over. "Are you guy talking about where to catch the train?" He asked timidly.

"Yes deary." The red haired woman, surrounded by red haired children explained. She was kind, gave of a very motherly vibe. She'd have too with the amount of kids swarming around her. "First year love?"

"Yes miss." Danny replied. "And I'm not too familiar with London either."

"No I don't suppose you would be, you sound American." She mused. "Well dear, this is my son Ronald, it's his first year too."

"And we met outside Ollivanders didn't we, you had an owl on your head." The other boy added.

"I remember. I saw you at the bank too." Danny agreed.

"Watch Percy darlings, he'll show you how. Go on." Danny was impressed when the boy seemed to phase through the wall. But since they obviously weren't ghosts Danny guessed it was a spell. When Danny's turn came he still had to struggle not to turn intangible just in case. On the platform someone came and fetched their belongings, Danny letting Spooky out to fly. Minerva had assured him the owl would always know where to go and where to be, even if Danny didn't. The owl would meet him at Hogwarts.

"Come on, let's find a compartment." Ronald said excitedly. The three ran on board and slipped into the first empty compartment they found. Once the train was on its way they decided to properly introduce themselves.

"I'm Ronald Weasley. Ron for short." Ron stuck out his hand which both boys grinned and shook.

"Harry Potter." The boy from the bank said. Danny shook his hand. Ron gawked and made a big deal about him. Danny wasn't sure why. Something about a scar. Both looked at him now and he grimaced. He wondered if he should just say Fenton. But he knew eventually the name Black would come up, he may as well be upfront.

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