You're A Wizard, Danny.

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13 year old Jasmine Fenton stared at the floating lamp in her living room and sighed in exasperation. "Danny!" She called. There was a yell from the kitchen and a crash and she looked with slight alarm towards the sound. Leaving being the ethereal lamp for a moment she went to investigate, only to find her 10, soon to be 11, year old brother had fallen off an intricately built pile of chairs and boxes. "Trying to reach Dad's stash of fudge?"

"The fruitloops actually, since mum decided to put it on the top shelf." Her scrawny, and admittedly short for his age, little brother sighed. Jasmine stepped onto the chair and plucked the cereal box down from the shelf with ease. "I'd have gotten it just fine if you hadn't shouted. You scared me."

"Your efforts are making the living room decor challenge gravity." Jasmine said handing him the box once he'd picked himself up from the ground. "And it's noon." She raised her eyebrow at the cereal and heard the thump of the lamp hitting the ground toppling and probably shattering the bulb.

"Who said it had to be morning to eat cereal? Are you the cereal police, Jazz?" Danny asked pouring a bowl and opening the fridge only to slam it shut and ducking as an apple flew at his face.

"Mutant Sausage?" Jasmine asked.

"Mutant Sausage." Danny confirmed. He silently counted to three and swung open the fridge, grabbing the milk and closing it again before the aggravated processed meat could react. Danny then opened a draw and frowned, closing it and opening another. "Where are the spoons?"

"I think dad was throwing them into the Ghost Zone last night." Jazz answered getting herself some crackers to nibble on.

"I'm gonna go with...why?" Danny muttered hopping up onto the counter and shovelling a fork full of fruitloops into his mouth. His sister shrugged and Danny accepted this as a reasonable response, neither truly ever knew why their father did some of the things he did. Maddie came into the kitchen, on a small break from observing the Ghost Portal, to get a drink. She spotted her kids and smiled at them, trying to straighten Danny's messy hair, only for the boy to shoo her away with a fork. She'd told her husband not to throw all the spoons into the ghost zone but he hadn't listened.

"Either of you want to tell me why the lamp in the living room is broken?" She inquired, rolling her eyes as both her kids shrugged. She opened the fridge door and was hit in the face by a grape.

"Mutant Sausage." All three of the Fenton's said unanimously.

"I promise one of these days we will get a separate fridge for our Ectoplasm samples." Madeline sighed, opting for water instead.

"And a new microwave?" Danny asked hopefully.

"And toaster." Jazz added.

"We'll get a whole new kitchen if you want." Their mother chuckled. Danny snickered, their family wasn't poor but they weren't so well off that they could just 'buy a new kitchen'. "And cereal at noon Danny?"

"Why is everyone in this family part of the cereal police?" Danny huffed.

"Maddie, the couch in the living room was floating." Jack said strolling into the kitchen looking mighty pleased with himself. "So I shot it." Jazz and Danny exchanged wide eyed looks and then Danny snorted back laughter. Poor couch.

"Guess we'll add that to the list of things needing to be replaced." Jazz sighed.

"Is that fruitloops? Excellent idea Dan-my-man." Jack said getting a bowl and taking the box from his sons extended hand and all but ignoring his sons protest to the nickname. Danny smirked at Jazz as if he'd just won an argument and she rolled her eyes. Both of them laughing as Jack asked where all the spoons were and Maddie reminded him of his great idea to lure a spoon ghost out of the portal.

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