Vault 394.

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Last Time: Danny looked at Minerva with surprise. "Is my birth family something special?"

"In a sense. The blacks were a very prominent pureblood family. Pureblood meaning they only ever married magical folk, of pureblood as well. But Danny, I hate to speak ill of the dead, but for the most part the Black family was a long line of witches and wizards inclined to do evil things."

And Now:

"What is that supposed to mean?" Danny asked.

"Your family, not all of them, but most of them aligned themselves with the evil man we spoke of yesterday." Minerva said in a low voice. Danny nodded, not wanting to hear anymore.

"So... I probably don't have the best reputation proceeding me, what with my birth father being in jail and my family being... Unsavoury characters." Danny sighed.

"I'm afraid so." Minerva said.

"But anyone who gives my baby a chance will know you are sweet and kind and loving and caring and generous and-" Maddie began to babble.

"Mum!" Danny cried turning red. Minerva suppressed a chuckle.

"Mr Black?" Danny turned to face a goblin, Danny was about to call him Dartstone until he spotted that the goblin had a different shaped nose.

"Mr Ragnock?" He asked. The goblin nodded, seemingly pleased Danny could tell.

"It is to my understanding you are here to organise your vaults. I have been keeping them in check as that is my job, we can have you make any changes as soon as we do a blood confirmation for the noble Black Vault." Ragnock explained.

"And how do you do that?" Maddie asked worriedly.

"Who is this?" Ragnock asked eyeing her.

"My mother." Danny said guardedly.

"Documents state that your mother is deceased."

"My name is Madeline Fenton. I'm Danny's... " She took a deep breath to steady it. "I'm his adoptive mother." She placed a hand on Danny's shoulder and he squeezed it, smiling up at her. She hated that word, who cares if it was technically by blood or by paper, Danny was her son!

Danny noted sadly that his birth mother was passed. Not much was ever said about her so he simply put aside information as it came to him.

"I see. Very well then. As to be expected when both parents are absent. We will need to add you to Mr Black's family list." Ragnock said turning to a nearby goblin and saying something in a different language. The goblin ushered Maddie away to sign some paperwork. "Now as for your confirmation. It's very simple. Just prick your finger and drop a bit of blood on this parchment."

Danny grimaced, his blood sometimes has green in it due to the ectoplasm infused with his DNA. Regardless he took the needle the goblin offered any jabbed his finger, letting a few drops fall onto the paper, hoping neither would notice the difference in his blood to regular blood. Minerva however wasn't paying attention, she was looking at some massive man that was 90% coat, 8% beard and 2% hair, and a young boy, about Danny's age with glasses and an odd scar on his head. Danny turned back to Ragnock who was looking at Danny with what he guessed was a smile.

"I thought, but didn't believe it was you, Phantom." The goblin said. Danny must have looked extremely alarmed because the goblin chuckled. "Don't worry, you are well known amongst the magical community, very popular too, but no one knows who you are."

"Then how do you?" Danny asked. Ragnock looked at the parchment.

"Daniel James Black, and in parentheses, Fenton. Age, 10 years, 10 months and 1 day. Race: Halfa." He read.

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