Time For Sorting!

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Last Time: "Bloody nutters more like it." Ron groaned. He bit into a jelly bean and handed the other half to Harry, his nose wrinkling in distaste as he added it to the growing pile. "We got a bad box I swear there's no good flavours in here."

Harry gagged and spat out his half. "Earwax?"

"Earwax." Ron huffed. Danny laughed and waited for Harry to give him half of the next Jelly Bean. The boy's sighed.

"Spoke to soon Ron." Harry laughed.

"Apple pie." Danny added.

"What? No fair!"

And Now:

Danny had never rowed a boat in his life so how they expected him to row to the admittedly awesome looking castle was beyond him. On the upside as soon as he'd gotten off the train he was met with a familiar weight on his head. Spooky had found him. Perplexed by his inability to row, Danny stepped into the boat with Ron and Harry and hoped they had some clue but apparently there was no need to worry, they were all enchanted to follow the lead boat. Which made Danny wonder what would happen if a boat toppled, or if the lead boat did. He peered at the murky black water and decided he'd rather not find out. Apparently his new found friends felt the same way, hands and feet staying as still as they could until shore. Once they got there they were met by Minerva, Danny had to mentally note he was to call her Professor McGonagall now. He waved at her, earning some curious looks, especially when she smiled and dipped her head in acknowledgement. Danny cringed when he heard the word 'teachers pet' tossed around. He had never been a teachers pet. They were to wait outside until sorting, which Danny found just plain rude, he was cold and hungry, they should let him in and give him food, he also regretted letting the last thing he tasted be a dirt flavoured jelly bean but to lighten his mood he knew Ron was suffering with him. But luckily Neville found his toad. So that was a plus right?

"Think the foods good?" He asked.

"I heard its awesome." Ron replied.

"As long as it isn't earwax." Harry grinned.

"Red hair, hand-me-down robes. You must be a Weasely." Came a self-important sounding voice. Ron spun around Harry and Danny, as well as several others turning too.

"Who're you then?" Ron asked in an annoyed tone. His face was read, telling everyone that the snooty boy with the slicked back blonde hair was right.

"I'm Draco Malfoy." The boy answered as if they should all know who he was. He looked at Harry, as if he knew who he was. Judging from the self-righteous smirk he did. "Stick with me and I'll show you how to make the right friends."

Draco looked disdainfully at Ron and curiously at Danny. "I think I'll choose my own friends thanks." Harry responded, perfectly polite. The boy scowled.

"You'll regret that." Draco insisted.

"He said no, get lost you git." Ron growled.

"No body asked you Weasely." The blonde hissed. Danny stepped between the two and folded his arms, normally that wouldn't be too intimidating considering he was shorter than Ron and perhaps even a bit shorter than Draco, but still the blonde took a few steps back. He was both unnerved by the icy gaze and uncomfortable in the fact the air seemed to get colder the longer the boy stared at him.

"You expect him to say yes with the crappy way you tried to just support your case? Dream on. Get lost or get a better sales pitch." Danny said with all the sass he could muster, which was a lot. Draco looked as though he'd been bitten, which considering that Danny's owl was getting agitated with his owner wasn't too far of a stretch. As if to stop any further clash the doors opened and Minerva appeared.

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