Wizarding Chess, Anyone?

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Last Time: "That look in you eye. It looks like you have a plan." Hermione said.

"And that you aren't happy about it." Ron added.

"I'm gonna help him. Don't question why I can do what I can, I'll explain once we're alive, safe and the stupid stone is safe." Danny huffed. "I'm going ghost!" Danny Fenton (arguably Black) was gone and in his place was King Phantom, complete with shiny new floating crown.

And Now:

Danny's legs melded into the common ghost tail used for flight and he took off to meet Harry. "What on earth?!" Hermione cried. "What spell was that?"

"Hermione I know you grew up with Muggles but even they know who Danny Phantom is!" Ron said.

"You mean that ghost hero who's all over the news a while back?" Hermione's eyes widened. "Does that mean Danny's dead?"

"I don't know. He said when everythings over he'd explain. Let's give the bloke some back up, can you stun some of these ruddy keys?" Ron asked.

"We might hit Danny or Harry-"

"Aim for the tail of the swarm. Thin out the numbers." Ron pulled out his wand and Hermonie did the same. Meanwhile Danny pulled up along side Harry and waved.

"This raises many questions." Harry said.

"I bet it does. Let's get that key. They seem to follow the broom." Danny said.

"How do you figure?"

"They don't react when you sit up or lean closer but they do when you speed up and turn."

"So you weren't just watching me suffer."

"Well I was a little bit but that got boring."

"What's your plan then?"

"You keep them busy, I'll get the right key, drop it down to Hermione and then come get you off that stupid broom." Danny growled.

"Sounds like fun. Let's do it."

Danny nodded and stopped abruptly, the keys ignoring him, furthering his theory that they followed the broom. He scanned the area looking for the other key, the first one having been shoved in Hermione's pocket so there was no confusion. He spotted the rusty thing struggling to follow the rest of the swam and he shot forward trying to grab it when a red light struck him in the chest. He gasped and felt his body sink towards the floor.

"Ron! You hit Danny!" Came Hermione's voice.

"It was an accident, he flies way too fast!" Was Ron's reply. Danny willed his body to move and sluggishly he began to gain feeling back in his fingers that slowly spread up his arms. He glanced at Hermione and Ron knocking down clouds of keys as best they could with stun spells which he gathered was what hit him. He finally managed to shake it off and pinpoint the key again flying for it and keeping an eye on Ron's shots.

"He's back at it, watch your aim." Hermione called.

"I know, I know." Ron snapped. Danny grasped the key and the tension in the room shifted. The keys stopped and turned. Harry looked behind him to find the swarm wasn't chasing him anymore. Danny shot past with a yell.

"I was wrong! I was very wrong!! It's whoever last stole a key! And they do NOT want a hug!!!" Danny shrieked. "Here!" Harry held out his hand as Danny chucked the key to him. He flew down and opened the door himself, hurrying Hermione and Ron through.

"Danny, quick!" He called. Danny grit his teeth and speed up, shooting through the door. The trio slammed the door shut and locked it just in time to jump back as several hundred keys smacked into and stuck themselves into the wood. They turned to see something that made them groan, another trial.

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