Too Late for Second Chances (Part 2)

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"I don't give a rats ass if he hurt you mentally, physically, or emotionally! He still hurt you, and his gonna regret it." Adrian's voice hardened at the end as he got up. He went to walk out the door but I tackled him so he wouldn't get himself into any trouble.

"What are you doing, Rose?" He asked me as we got up off the ground.

"You don't even know the full story, and now you just wanna jump into action? Since when are you the dumb one?" I asked him.

"You're right, Rose. I don't know the full story. One day out of the blue you show up on my front step and say you're ready to love me! You never told me anything because you didn't want to talk about it but I am your husband! Don't you think I deserve to know what that man put you through?" He yelled incredulously. I stared at him as I waited for him to be don't ranting. He must have seen something in my face because as soon as he looked at me his softened into something very close to regret... Yet not.

"Please..." He whispered in as he rest his forehead on mine and put his hands on my waist. "Just tell me."

I sighed and pulled him over to the bed. Once he sat down, I explained in great detail everything that happened, beginning with the first day I met him leading all the way up until about 10 minutes ago.

By the time I was finished, Adrian had tears in his eyes. All he did when I grew silent was wrap his arms around me and repeat the words "Im sorry" over and over again in my ear.

I knew it was a bad idea to tell him, and that's why I didn't up until now. I didn't want him to feel the same feelings of fear and hatred I feel when I look at  Dimitri.

Speak of the devil.

Right as that thought crossed my mind, Dimitri knocked on the frame of the open door. When Adrian looked up at him, I felt all his muscles tense. I gripped onto Adrian's arm to hold him where he was because I knew he would want to start a fight.

"Stay calm." I whispered in his ear as I got up to go talk to Dimitri.

"I was just, uh, checking to see if you were ok. I heard yelling." He said, his wide brown eyes looking into mine with so much concern.

"Why do you care?" I snapped at him. He winced at my words, but then proceeded to speak.

"Because I care about you, Roza."

I was pissed!

"First of all, don't you DARE 'Roza' me. My name is Rose! And second of all, mine and Adrian's relationship is none of your damn buisnees. If I wanted somebody butting into my marriage, I'd call a marriage counselor. I don't want you in my life Dimitri. Just leave me and my family alone!"

As I finished my rant, I saw a very rare thing. Dimitri actually began to tear up. I could tell that I hurt him, and Im not going to say I don't care, but I also didn't feel as bad as I should.

"Fine. If that's what you want, if you really want  out of your life, then I'll leave. But just know that I might not be there when you want me back." He said coldly and turned on his heel and left to his room.

"I won't want you back, I promise you that." I said because I knew he could still hear me.

I felt arms come up behind me and wrap around my waist. I leaned into Adrian's chest and closed my eyes as I gave a moment of silence for Dimitri and I's relationship.

Love You More: A Rose and Adrian Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now