I Cheated On You

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Once in my room, I closed my door and leaned my body against it, letting myself slide down so I was sitting. I pulled my knees to my chest and rested my chin on them. That was when I felt the first tear begin to escape from my eye. Squeezing them shut, I felt a sob rack my body. 

I sat there and cried for a while. I cried for the loss of friendship with Dimitri. I cried for my children who are now going to lose their father because of my drunken one night stand. But most of all, I cried for Adrian. He loves me so much and now I have betrayed him for the man I had sworn off indefinitely. Once he finds out, my life will be over. He's gonna leave me and my children husband-less and father-less and that thought makes ma desperately not want to tell him. But I know I have to for the sake of Adrian. It's going to turn into a huge fight but I've made my mistakes and now I have to pay the consequences. 

I felt the someone trying to open the door, but I had locked it, preventing anyone from walking in on my nervous breakdown. Leaping up, I wiped my eyes and shook my hands, trying to shake out the feelings that I didn't want. I reached forward with a shaky hand and opened the door, revealing a very confused and very worn out Adrian. When he say my face, his expression melted into a sea of compassion for the pain I was feeling. I wanted to pull away from him when he reached to give me a hug because I knew I didn't deserve the comfort, but I didn't. When he finally broke the hug, he kissed my forehead and leaned back to look at my face.

"What's wrong, my love?" He asked me. I felt the tears welling up in my eyes again as he asked that. I backed away from him and sat down in the bed, dazed, as I tried to think of a way to tell him without hurting him too much. 

"We need to talk." I said, my voice dull and unfazed. He looked confused once again as I patted the bed next to me. As he sat down slowly, I felt dread course through me. 

"What's going on, Rose?" He asked me. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath before saying the words that would ultimately determine my future.

"I cheated on you." The look on his face broke my heart. It contorted into a look of pain so strong it felt like it ripped my heart in half, leaving the jagged edges to tear up my lungs, making it hard to breathe. All of a sudden, Adrian got up and walked towards the mirror, placing his hands on it and leaning his head down so that he was looking at his hands. 

"How could you?" He asked quietly, as if he wasn't talking to me at all, but to himself. 

"Adrian I-"

"HOW COULD YOU?!" He exclaimed, his fist shooting up ans striking the mirror, making it shatter and cutting up his hand. I jumped at the sound. Adrian fell to the ground then, holding his hand and sobbing, both from the physical and the mental pain. 

"I loved you."

"Loved?" I asked

"Yes, loved, as in past tense." He said coldly. I was shocked by his words. I didn't think one person could hurt you so much that you stopped loving them. 

"So what does this mean for us?" I asked. He stared at me for a minute before he said the words that broke me.

"I'm leaving you, Rose, and I'm taking the kids." 

Love You More: A Rose and Adrian Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now