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                   Tris's POV
     I place my last box in the back of my truck, taking a deep breath. You would think that after living in the same house all my life, I would gather up more valuables. Seriously, I don't have more than ten boxes.
      My best friend Christina jumps out from the passenger side, walking over, the sound of her heels clacking against the pavement.  "You ready for this?" She asks. I nod, completely meaning it. I hate this town and all it is. The people in it are complete shit.
    My mom rests her hands on my shoulders, smiling. "Don't get too comfortable and not come back," she says. She's like a mom to Christina as well, since they don't have the best relationship. Her dad died in the military a few months back.
    "Its only an hour out of town. We can drive there if needed," My dad says. Please don't, I think. I love my parents dearly, but it's like they want me to be dependent on them. I want, need, and am a independent women, but they can't seem to see that.
     "We need to get going. I will take care of your precious angel," Chris says. We all hug before Chris and I get in the truck, me in the driving. "Let's do this."
                 Week Later
                Tobias's POV
      "We leave in a week, Zeke. You should be spending time with Shauna and Hannah," I tell him as we sit down at one of the tables in the small café. Everyone we're about to leave, he avoids being around his family as much as possible.
    "So should you," he argues.
    "I don't have family," I say. Its not the whole truth. I do, just don't like them. My dad was abusive towards me after my mom left us, and my mom technically hates me for my choice in work. Her husband, Amar, is the only person who I see as a family member. "How's Shauna?"
    "She seems fine, same as all the other times I leave. Everytime I go I feel like its leading to a divorce. Now she's pregnant, so I feel like a dick," he says. "Like what if we're gone for longer than nine months and miss the birth. What if-"
     "Can I take your order?" A soft voice asks. Zeke and I look up at the waitress. A short girl with dirty blond hair and grey-blue eyes. Her hair is pulled back into a loose pony tail. She's beautiful. Her eyes dart to Zeke then me, waiting for one of us to talk.
     "We'll take a plain black coffee. Thank you," he says. She writes it down and walks away. My eyes follow as she walks back behind the counter. "Four... Four....FOUR!" People look at us as he yells my name at me. 
    I turn my attention back to him. "What?"
    "I've never seen you like this," he says, laughing, looking over st the girl as she sets plates down at the table. "You think she's pretty?"
    "Shut up," I say, checking my phone. The girl comes over and sets coffee down.
    "You new here? We're here all the time and I've never seen you," he says.
    "I just started college here," she answers shyly. Her voice is soft and quiet, but strong at the same time.
     "How old are you?"
     "Eighteen," she answers. I'm twenty two, four years older than her. He looks at me and back at Ber.
    "Well I'm Zeke, this is my friend Four," he says, making a gesture towards me. Her eyes land on me.
    "Four? Four like the number?" She says. Usually I'd be annoyed by the question, but for some reason I brush it off.
    "Exactly like the number."
                 Tris's POV
     Chris, Al, and Will all drop down under the tree next to me. "How was your first day of work?" Al asks me. I shrug, turning the page of my notebook to go over more notes.
    "It was surprisingly fast," I say. He lays down his head resting on my knee. Chris and Will cock their brows at us.
    "I'm still waiting for the day you two wake the hell up and get together," Will says. Chris slaps his chest. My cheek flush.
    "Hey, you forgot about getting married and have babies," she says in a teasing voice. I roll my eyes at her, starting to play with the strands of his hair.
   I've never thought of him as anything more than a friend. Its our closeness that make people either think we're a couple, or think we should be together. It's like not the thoughts hasn't crossed my mind a million times. He's handsome, smart, funny, and nice, but I can somehow tell he isn't the one for me.
    I've had a boyfriend before, his name was Peter. Everything was great in our relationship until he got insanely drunk one night, and beat me. I was almost positive I was going to die. After that, the abuse only continued. He would come over drunk, or get drunk when we were together and hit me. The abuse wasn't only physical, emotional as well. The night he tried to rape me was when I finally told someone. He isn't in jail, since he he proven innocent by the judge due to no evidence.
     "You guys are both idiots," he says, smiling a little. He opens one eye and winks at me. My blush grows harder.
               Tobias's POV
     "What's wrong with you?" Amar asks me as Zeke and I walk into his car shop where Uriah, Zeke's younger brother, works. Zeke clasps a hand on my shoulder.
    "Our boy here has a crush on the waitress down at Lacy's Café," he says. Amar looks at me with a grin.
    "I don't have a crush on her."
    "Shut the hell up. I nearly had to drag you out of there cause you wouldn't stop looking at her."
    "Come on, any single guy with eyes can see she's attractive," I say in defense. He shrugs. 
    "I-I think I seen you take a glance at her ass while she was taking someone's order," he says. My eyes heat up. "Oh he's blushing."
    "I'm leaving. I'll pick you and your brother up later." I walk back to my truck.
   "One last thing!" Amar yells. I stop in my tracks. "Did you really look at her ass?"

AN: I'm so fucking excited for this story!! I feel so inspired to write this Divergent fanfic, which this feeling hasn't happened in a good while. I was going to make this into something else, but thought it would fit. Please comment your thoughts and share!!! Be brave 🔪🔪🔪 -Veah

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