I love You's

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                    Tris's POV
     "Why don't you lose it?" I ask him, running my fingers through his hair. His eyes search mine.
   "I-I have to do something real quick," he says, stepping back and walking into the room. Immediately I feel humiliated. He doesn't want me and I can completely understand why. He's handsome, strong, could get any girl that he crosses, and then there short, flat, little girl me.
    I grab my bag and walk towards the door. "Tris?" Stopping in my tracks, heat rushes to the surface of my face. I turn to face him, looking anywhere but at him. "You're leaving?"
    "I-I-" I give up on trying to lie, instead I stay quiet. He walks over and takes my hand, giving it a comforting squeeze.
   "If you think I don't want you, its just that I-"
    "Stop, please. I know I'm not as attractive as girls like Nita. I'm not surprised that you don't want me and I don't care. You deserve someone's who's beautiful and pr-" His lips meeting mine makes me stop talking. Slowly, he pulls away with a grin. "That was a nice way of shutting me up."
    "Your beautiful, Tris. I just don't want to make you feel like you have to do this cause you don't at all," he explains. I cup his face, my fingers skimming the stubble on his cheeks.
     "I want you."
                  Tobias's POV
    Her saying those three simple words was all I needed to let myself go. She presses her soft, mint tasting lips to mine. I run my fingers through her hair, wanting her closer to me. We pull away to breath, looking into each others eyes.
    I take her hand and lead her into the bedroom. Her hands shaking in mine. "Have you-you know-done this before?" She asks. I nod, not wanting to lie about this. "I-I-I'm a v-v-"
    "Virgin?" I finish for her. She nods shyly. "Then I'm honored." A small smile spreads across her face as she kisses me hard with passion. My hands meet the bare skin of her sides, making her shiver. I lift it up further to remove it, revealing her black lace bra. I don't stare long to not make her uncomfortable, trust me, I would look all day if I could.
    Her hands travel down my chest, going to the hem of my shirt. Soon, we're out of our clothes and on my bed. She shivers under me. "You cold?" She shakes her head. Leaning down, I notice she's covering her chest with her hands. "You don't have to hide from me, Tris."
     She hesitantly takes her hands away placing them back on my torso. A long scar runs down the valley of her breasts. "Its from-"
      "You don't have to explain," I tell her. She pulls me back to her, her hands running up my tattooed back. I reach down and touch her, making her gasp. For a second I worry I hurt her. I bite down on her bottom lip, touching her slowly.
    "Tobias," she moans. Her saying my name makes me smile. She tugs at my hair. Its definite that she can feel my situation down. Her eyes trail down for a second then back up with a look of fear.
    "You okay?" She nods.
    "Now," she says. I prop myself up on my elbows and position myself at her entrance.
   "This might hurt. Promise you'll tell me if its too much," I say. She nods, taking a deep breath. I slowly push in, burying my face in the crook of her neck. Her hair small likes lavender. She bites down on my shoulder, trying not to cry in pain. "You want me to stop?" I'm not even half way in and I feel guilty for this.
    "No," she says breathlessly. "Just go the rest of the way fast, so it's over with." I do as she fasts, slamming into her all the way. She squeezes her eyes shut, bitting down hard on her lip. "Don't move." I stay still, creasing her face with the pad of my finger. She nods a little, telling me to move. She gives a moan, but I know its not of pleasure.
     "We cab stop Tris," I tell her. She shakes her head, looking up into my eyes. I lean down and kiss her, continuing my slow pace. Soon her hips are moving with mine, meeting me hiss.
    "Tobias," she moans against my lips. I grip her waist tighter, speeding up the pace. Her back arches a little, her chest meeting mine. I've done this with plenty of girls that didn't mean shit to me, but I can't help but think this is what people talk about when they say you should wait for the right person. I've fucked, but until now never once made love. I love her, but don't know if its too soon to tell her. "P-please."
    "Please what?" In say with a smirk. She smiles a little up at me, her hands rested flat at the small of my back.
    "Harder." END OF MATURE!
          I wake up with Tris's head rested on my chest, her breaths brushing against my neck. My thoughts lead me back to last night, making me smile. I don't feel a single ounce of guilt. The only thing I'm guilty of is not telling her that I love her. I didn't want to tell her then, cause one, I think its too soon. Two, I didn't want her thinking I was saying that because she was naked. Truth be told, I was more focused on her eyes than anywhere else, although her body is damn near perfect to me.
    Her eyes slowly flutter open, looking around. "Hey," I say, grinning. She gives a small smile, placing her head back on the pillow. "How do you feel?"
    "So far okay," she says. I brush her hair out of her face. Her eyes search mine. "You look nervous."
    "I'm not, just very hesitant," I correct. She cocks a brow, looking at me in confusion. "I love you, Tris. I didn't want to tell you last night, sense I didn't want you getting the wrong idea. But I do love you. A lot." Her mouths gasps open a little in shock. Too soon, Tobias. You scared her away now. Finding out I was in the military should have done that.
    "I love you too, Tobias," she says, twisting the ring I have on my middle finger. I lean down and kiss her.
                   Tris's POV
     I walk back behind the counter, waiting for another person to come in. Chris, Will, Al, Uriah, and Marlene are here eating breakfast, so I have company. My my body hurts so bad from last night activities. I have hand marks in my waist and thighs that I don't mind at all. 
     The door opens and Zeke walks in with Tobias close behind. They come sit down next to Uriah. I turn around to get cups, filling them with back coffee. Who knew walking could hurt so damn bad? I set the coffees down in front of them. "Anything else?"
     "No thank you," they both say.
     "Are you going with us tonight?" Chris asks me. I raise my brows, not knowing what she's talking about. "George in our class is having a party and we were invited. Are you coming with us?"
    "No, I don't feel like going out tonight." I'm hurting to bad to go. She groans.
    "Come on," Al says. His eyes meet mine for a second. The door opens and a group of boys walks in. One of them stands out the most to me. Peter.

AN: A little cliffhanger. I was going to update this yesterday, but couldn't so I apologize. Hope you guys liked it. Please comment and share! Be brave 🔪🔪🔪 -Vaeh


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