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Tobias's POV
I'm starting to hate myself for this. The last three days I've been going to the cafe to get coffee when I don't even want it. Most of the time, I just throw it in a bush. But I find myself just wanting to see Tris. Every time she looks at me I can feel my heart jump.
I'm not going to refuse the fact that I like her, who wouldn't? Zeke teases me about going to cafe now. I take a seat at the bar this time. Tris turns around, her hair going to her back. A small smile spreads across her face when she sees me. Lately, she hasn't been saying much to me. After that day at the pier, she hasn't said more than hello and takes my order.
She grabs a coffee cup and pours coffee, setting it in front of me. "Already remembered?" She forces a smile.
"Its not a hard order," she says, turning back around. I can't help but let my eyes trail down her body and back up. She takes the apron off and takes her hair down.
"Are you naturally blond like that?" I ask her. She nods, wincing as she takes her arms to put it in a new ponytail. "It looks nice down." Her arms shake as she lowers them, a blush creeping its way to her cheeks.
"I should be getting to school. It was nice seeing you," she says, grabbing her bag.
Tris's POV
He's one of those guys you can't help but fall for. Before he mentioned being in the military, I was fine with gaining feeling. Over the past few days now, I've been trying to keep my distance, but damn does he make it hard. Its like he's trying.
"You seem lost," Al says, looking up from the textbook. I shrug, chewing on the inside of my cheek. "Let's take a short break," he says, closing mine. I sit up, closing my eyes.
"I'm just tired and stress. I thought high school was hard. Not this," I say. He brushes a strand of hair behind my ear. Our eyes awkwardly lock. He starts to lean in closer. I'm, for some reason, frozen in place. His lips brush against mine, his right hand cupping the side of my face.
He pulls back once he realizes I'm not responding. He clears his throat, his eyes landing back on his book. "I-I'm sorry. That was very stupid of me." His blush is the brightest I've ever seen. "I should have asked you out first."
"What?" I ask in shock.
"I've been thinking about this for a while. I've always had feelings for you, Tris; but gave up on the chance of being with you when Peter came into the picture. Now your single again and I'm just jumping on my chance."
I swallow down the lump that appears in my throat. "I'll think about it," is all I say. After what happened with Peter, I'm scared of relationships. It's amazing what someone can actually be, and how well they can hide it. Never did I expect for Peter to ever lay a hand on me.
"I'll be here patiently waiting."
Stress, that's all I can feel right now. I'm sitting at a table in the cafe, only other person in here is Todd from down the street. He comes every night for a late night coffee. The bell on top of the door rings, making me look up.
My eyes immediately find Four's. He gives me a small grin before walking over and sitting in front of me. "How was school?" Its like I'm having a conversation with my dad now.
"Boring and stressful. How was your day?" I ask. He twists the ring on his index finger.
"Good I guess. I had to start packing today. So I'm worn out," he explains to me. The thought of him leaving makes me sad for some reason. "You seem like something bothering you." I shake my head, looking down at the hot chocolate in my cup.
"Its stupid," I say with a chuckle. He cocks his head to the side. "One of my best friends, Al, he kissed me earlier. Then he asked me out." His jaw clenches.
"I think you known what the right choice is," he says.
"And what are my choices exactly?" Oh no! Stop flirting Tris! I never flirt! This isn't good. This is the complete opposite of what I should be doing.
"You could say yes with the possiblity if ruining your friendship, you could say no and ruin your friendship, or you can say yes and go out with me to spare his feelings."
His words make me do a double take. He didn't just say what I think he did. He's leaving in two and a half weeks and wants to go on a date? Excuse me? But who am I kidding myself. A very attractive guy just asked me out. I'm ecstatic, but also insanely nervous. What if he was just joking and I said yes.
"Are you serious?" I ask. He nods, staring deeply into my eyes. "Then yes."

AN: Obviously this story is fast paced in some areas, because he is leaving soon. I want to get everything out of the way before that. Comment your thoughts and share! Stay alive |-/ -Veah

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