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Tobias's POV
I run my hands down Tris's arm, lowering the strap of her tank top. She pulls back, her for head resting against mine. "Sorry," I say, putting her strap back to normal. She looks away from me, fixing her hair. "I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable or-"
"Its okay," she says. I help her stand, putting my jacket over her shoulders. She smiles up at me. "Thank you." For the past three days we've been sneaking a round together, not only for her, but for me as well. Although this isn't the smallest town, its still small enough for news to get around. The last thing I want is for Marcus to find out about this.
I clear my throat. "So, my mom is having a dinner tomorrow night, it's nothing special, but my mom forces me each year to bring someone and I was wondering if, um, you'd come with me?" She shifts on her feet, biting down on her bottom lip.
"I would love to," she says. I look down at her, staring at her eyes, the color of them mesmerizes me every time, but every time I look at them my gaze goes to her lips. Surprising me, she steps closer to me, placing her hand on the side of neck and presses her lips back to mine.
I rest my hands on her waist, deepening it. Someone knocks on my door, making us break apart. She turns around and goes to the balcony while I answer. "Son," Marcus says once the door is open. Without permission, he walks in, his shoulder bumping mine. "How was your day?"
"It was fine. What do you want?" I ask, crossing my arm.
"Oh come on, Tobias. Can't I just come by and visit my only son?" My jaw clenches. "I wanted to see you before you left." I laugh at that. It sounded like something a good father would day to his child.
"You've never cared to do that before. In fact last year and the year before that, you said said that you hope I die. In all honestly, I'm kind if disappointed I didn't," I say. He steps closer to me.
"You do this as a career to make yourself feel like you have some worth, but you're still nothing. Worthless. Just like you always have been," he says. "Have good night." I close the door behind him, releasing a deep breath I didn't know I was holding.
The screen door slide open and closes. "I'm sorry about that, he's-"
"You don't have to keep apologizing. Tobias?" I sigh, looking down. "It fits you. I like it." Something about her saying it makes me like it.
"Do you want me to drive you home?" She nods, letting me take her hand.

        "I would never be able to wear that shirt without bra," Marlene says

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"I would never be able to wear that shirt without bra," Marlene says. I look down at my relatively small chest, rethinking my decision.
"Is it obvious that their small? Should I chan-"
"I'm sure Al won't care what your boobs look like right now. You look hot, and that's all that matters," she says. I tale a deep breath and sit down next to her on my bed, putting my shoes on. Everyone still thinks I'm with Al because of our 'date.'
"So I look okay? Should I wear a bra just incase?" Her brows raise. That came out wrong, so freaking wrong.
"Your thinking about having sex with him? Tris, you've been the girl I know who cares about your V-card and now your thinking about loosing it to Albert," she says in disbelief. "I mean, there's nothing wring with that, just a little weird. Wouldn't you want it to be bigg-"
"This conversation is over," I say. She rolls her eyes. "You dony have to worry about my virginity, its glued to me." Maybe. Everytime I look at Tobias, it's like I loose it.
Tobias's eyes roam down my body as I walk closer so him and his truck. He cups my cheek, bending down to kiss me quickly. "You look beautiful," he says, opening the door for me. I get in, buckling the seat belt. My head is killing me, maybe it was Marlene yapping for two hours or that medicine I look half an our ago.
He closes his door, turning the truck on. "You sure you want to do this?" He asks with a grin. "We can ditch this thing and do something else. My moms not the best person in the world." I can't help but smile at him.
"How about we get this over with, then we can leave," I say. He sighs out of relief.
"I'm good with that." Thank God he didn't look at my chest.
A middle aged women with brown hair opens the door. She smiles up at Tobias with a wide smile. Her eyes trail over to me, her side fading a little. "This is?"
"This is Tris, my girlfriend," he says. My heart skips a beat at the new title. She nods and closes the for behind us. He offers to take my jacket, but I choose to keep it on. A dark skinned man walks in, fixing his shirt. He stops in his tracks when he sees us.
"Holy shit," he says, his eyes wide. Tobias glares a little at him. He mentioned last night at his mom divorced his dad and got remarried to Amar. He offers me his hand. Being polite, I shake it despite how much my hand is shaking.
"We can still ditch."
"Its fine." Out of the corner a girl with a long, dark green dress comes walking in, her makeup neatly done and hair perfectly straightened. This does not help my anxiety at all. Tobias tenses beside me as she walks over.
"I haven't seen you in so long," she says, hugging him. He pulls away as fast as he can. Her smile completely falls when she sees me. "Hi, I'm Nita."

AN: Sorry for the update delay, I think I'll mostly update this on the weekends. Please comment your thoughts and share! Be brave🔪🔪🔪 -Vaeh

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