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Tris's POV
       The front door opens and the guy from yesterday walks in. Al sits in the seat in front of where I stand. He decided to come and keep me company since we've already finished all our work. I grab by notepad and walk over to where the man sits.
   He looks up at me, his dark blue eyes shining. Wow. I've never seen someone so handsome. I was paying more attention to his friend yesterday since he was the one talking. He had been quiet, almost shy.
    He might be handsome, but also very intimidating. His face has light stubble on it, his jaw line is sharp but not too much. He gives a bright grin. "Hello."
   I clear my throat. "Sorry, what would you like?" His smile fades into an expression I can't read.
    "Just a coffee please," he says. I nod, sharing at him for too long before walking away. Al raises a brow at me as I pour the coffee. "Your as red as a tomato," he tells me.
    "Its hot in here." I walk back over, setting the coffee down.
    "Thank you. Would you like to sit down for a second?" He asks, his voice shy and his eyes adverting to the table. My heart thumps loudly in my chest.
    "Sit." I do as told, sitting in front of him, folding my hands on my lap. "What's your name?" He asks.
    "Beatrice, but everyone calls me Tris," I say. Looking to the side, I see Al looking at me.   
     'That your boyfriend?" I laugh nervously, shaking my heard.
    "Just a friend," I tell him. "I really should be getting back to work." His whole expression falls into to one that almost seems disappointed. "Are you okay?" I ask. He forces a smile.
    "Just feeling a little low," he says. Looking back at Al, I think about what I'm about to say.
    "I'm off in hour, I know somewhere we can go," I mumble. We just met and I'm wanting to spend time with a stranger. He nods.
       I carefully sit down in a bench, Four sitting as well. The pier isn't as packed as all the other times I've been here. Its foggy out, which makes me enjoy this all the much more. "So your going to Meer College?" I nod. "How do you like it?"
     "Its okay, I guess. I like the distance from my parents," I say. He chuckles. I can't stop admiring the color of his eyes. "So what do you do for a living?"
     "I'm in the military," he answers. I gasp. He looks like he would be. He's buff and his stance shows he's always ready for something. "Yeah, that's the reaction I always get when I say that."
     "I didn't mean to not say anything in a bad way, it's just that I wasn't expecting that," I say. He smiles at me. His teeth are perfect too. "Um is that why your upset? You're being stationed again?" He nods.
     "I love what I do, but I don't like what happens with it. The PSTD, stress, anxiety, I don't even feel safe right now." My heart contract in my chest. "Listen, I know this might be weird or whatever. And I bet you have a boyfriend, but I have no one to send a letter back to. Would you mind if I sent one back here to you?"
     I'm shocked, but extremely flattered. "Wouldn't you want to send one to your girlfriend?"
    "No girlfriend."
     "Then sure. I'd love that."
               Tobias's POV
     She's so beautiful and smart. I've been saying things that I would never say to someone I just met, and doing things I'd never do. For some reason, I feel the need to be the perfect man right now.
     I catch her staring at my eyes as I look out at the water. She's been doing that every now and then. "What?" J ask. She blushes hard at being caught staring. "If its the facial hair, I know. I'm shaving it off tonight."
     "No, its not that at all. Your eyes, I've never seen that eye color before, it-it's beautiful. Who do you get it from?" I swallow down hard. I hate the mention of my dad, even when people don't know.
    "My dad," I answer uncomfortably. By the tone of my voice, she automatically regrets asking. "I'm fine with the question, it's just an uncomfortable topic. Him and I never had the best relationship."
    She looks down at her hands. "I'm sorry to hear that." I notice the letter C.P. tattooed near her thumb.
    "What does that stand for?" I ask. She looks down at it, a small smile spreading across her stunning face. She's so angelic. Its getting late, but it's obvious neither of is care.
   "My brothers initials."
    "Do you have anymore tattoos?" Shyly, she uncovers her collarbone. On her skin, there is three ravens in flight.
    "For all the members of my family. Their stupid I know, but I was bored when I got them," she says. I smile at her. This is the first time in probably years I've given a genuine smile.
     "I think they fit you."

AN: Okay, so now the story is starting to take off. I'm sorry if there are any typos, my keyboard isn't working right. Please comment your thoughts and share!! Be brave 🔪🔪🔪      -Veah

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