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"Crying all alone under the stands, was a piccolo player in the marching band. And one name read but nobody really cared, but a pretty little girl with a bow in her hair."

               Tobias's POV
      The sunlight coming through the window stings my eyes when I wake up. Tris still has her small body pressed against mine, her hair going on her face. I brush it out of the way and kiss her forehead.
    I love what I do, but I've never had a problem with leaving before. I didn't have anything to leave behind all the years before now, now I have Tris. Her eyes slowly flutter open. "Morning, beautiful." She forces a smile at me.
    "Morning," she says, fixing her hair. I lean in and kiss her. She presses her hand to my shoulder, sending a shock through me. Rolling on top of her, she smiles against my lips. She runs her hand down my chest and abs. "I love you."
    "I love you too."
          I look myself in the mirror, now hating the uniform. I don't wear the hat unless I'm told to. Zeke comes in and sighs. "You ready? We have to go see Uriah before we leave, so you can we your girl as well." I look down at my calloused hands.
    "I don't think I should see her," I say. "I don't understand how you can be perfectly okay with leaving Shauna when she's pregnant." He chuckles.
    "Well when your wife is crazy and yelling at you to get her a jar of pickles, it's not that hard to want to leave," he tells me. I took my eyes and grab my bag. "Let's go."
      Uriah man hugs me. "Don't die on me," he says. I shake my head at him. Tris, Christina, Will, and Al walk over. Tris and mines eyes immediately lock. She looks up at me, then down at her hands.
   "Hey," I say, pulling her to the side so we can be alone. "Leaving has never been this hard." She blushes, squeezing my hand.
    "Then don't make it hard," she says. "On the bright side, you look very handsome in that." I pull at the collar a little.
    "Its uncomfortable." She smiles ife a second before it fades. "I love you Tris. No matter what might happ-"
    "Your making it sound like this is a goodbye and not a see you when you get back. I'd like to believe your gonna live," she says. Truth be told, the possibility of dying has always bugged me, especially now. "You have to come back to me."
    "I will."
    One month later: Tris's POV
       "This came in the mail for you," Chris says when I walk in from class. She tosses it over to me. Sitting on the could, she throws her legs over mine as I open the letter. The sight of Tobias's hand writing makes me happy and removes the heavy feeling on my chest. "I'll leave you alone," she says when she sees his signature. I never told her about our relationship, but it just have not been hard to notice.
      "Dear Tris, I miss you like crazy. I'm sorry I haven't been able to write until now, but this is the first time I've had the time and access to do so. When it's getting kinda rough over here, I think of that day sitting down at the pier; and I close my eyes and see your pretty smile.  Don't worry but I won't be able to write for awhile. Love, Tobias."
    Looking at the address, I can see its from an army camp in Vietnam. Chris comes back in and leans against the door frame. "You good?" She asks.
    "Yes and no." She walks over and sits down the way she was before.
    "I'm sure he'll be okay. You just have to be strong." I smile at her.
    "I hope so." 

AN: Sorry this is a shorter chapter, but there's only one chapter left so this is kind of just a fill in. Please comment your thoughts and share!! Be brave 🔪🔪🔪 -Vaeh


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