Midnight Moon

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                 Tris's POV
      Uriah wraps his are around my shoulder as we walk to where the others are. We sit down in the bench. "Its only three weeks in and I'm tired of this," Chris says, fixing her eye shadow.
    "Did you decide?" Al asks me in a whisper. I nod.
    "I'll go out with you tonight." Uriah curses under his breath. Zeke and Four walk over to the table. My heart beats faster when I see Four. He shoots me a small smile.
    "This is my older brother Zeke and his friend, my friend, Four," Uriah says. Chris laughs.
    "Four like the number?" He takes a deep breath, obviously annoyed by the question that must be asked a lot.
    "Yes," is all he says. I'm expecting her to back off by the tone of his voice and his expression, cause he's even scaring me.
    "What happened? One through three were taken?" She asks. Will nudged her to stop talking. Zeke smiles and look at his brother.
    "Mon said to pick you up since you have to help me at the store." Uriah stands, grabbing his bag.
         I walk into Al's dorm behind him. Him and Will share it so it's half books and globes, and the other half is plain black and white. I sit down at his desk, not feeling comfortable enough to sit on the bed. In it is food from some fast food place that I most likely have never been to. In our town there was only KFC and McDonalds. I didn't like neither of those.
    He throws me something wrapped up and hot. "Its a burrito, I know you don't like anything else," he says. Smiling at him, I stands and sit next to him in the bed. He throws me something wrapped up and hot. "Its a burrito, I know you don't like anything else," he says. Smiling at him, I stands and sit next to him in the bed. He turns on the TV and puts on a comedy movie. "Do you feel weird knowing this isn't just hanging out?" He asks. "Cause you seem distant."
     "Its a little weird, but feels the same," I say. Maybe that wasn't the right thing to say. "I mean it doesn't feel exactly the same, it's just-"
    "I get what you mean, Beatrice," he says. I I hate when people call me by my full name.
      I wake up with my head rested on Al's chest. His eyes are fixed on the TV and his arm is rested in my waist. I sit up and look at my phone for the time. I have one unread text from Four.
    I'm outside the dorms when you're ready. Dress warm.
      Reading it makes me smile. I stand up and fix my sweater. "Its getting late and I promised Chris I'd go with her back home for the weekend tomorrow," I say. He gets up and stares at me for a second. He leans down and kisses me. It takes me a second, but soon kiss him back for his own benefit. Damn I hate this.  
       "You look beautiful," Four says when I walk out to him. Thankfully it's dark so he can't hopefully see my blush.
    "Thank you," I say shyly. "You know, taking a girl out at eleven thirty looks quite suspicious. This would be the perfect time and place to kill me." He opens his truck door for me.
    "You're too pretty to kill."
         I look up at the bright lights that are hung above us. We're in the woods near a home that's not far from a lake. He sets down a blanket and sits down, waiting for me to do as well. I sit down and fix my sleeves.
    "Did you so all this?" I ask him. He nods looking shyly down at his hands. Even from here I can see that callouses in them from holding a gun.
     "You seem like the type of girl who doesn't like going out to dinner for a date, so I thought of this," he says. I smile at him. He's right about the dinner thing, I don't like it. "So instead of dinner, I brought desert." He opens the basket and takes our a small plate of fruit and cake.
     "You're very sweet,'" I say as I take a piece of kiwi off the plate.
     "I try. I'm still working on kind," he says. I laugh at that. He takes a bite of cake. "Dauntless cake is the best."
    "What kind of cake?" His eyes widen and his expression goes serious. He puts some if the cake on the fork and holds it out to me.
    "Its the best cake you'll ever have," he says. I take the bite. This is life changing cake!!!!
       Four and I loom up at the sky. "Do you know the stars?" He asks. I shake my head, enjoying the comfortable silence. It has to be at least two in the morning but we don't care.
     "Do you?" He nods.
     "I had to learn a few special tricks to get into the military," he says. I stop breathing for a second when he says that word. He's such a good guy and someone I could definitely see myself get closer to. "I don't want to leave," he says in a sigh.
    "Then why do you?"
    "Cause I have to. This might be my last time though. I'm still deciding," he says, looking into my eyes.
     "Do you have something here you don't want to leave?" I ask. He leans in closer to me, propping himself up in his elbow.
    "I'm still deciding in that as well." He presses his lips to mine. They taste like strawberries and chocolate. My hands find their way to his hair. It's so soft and curly, even though it looks straight.
    I lay back onto the blanket, him leaving over me. His hand runs down my side, stopping at my waist. I can feel him smiling into the kiss. I pull back to breath, blushing hard and taking a deep breath.
    "That was nice," I say. 
     "Very nice."

AN: I had this all written and iver with but as soon as I went to publish it, it all went away so I had to rewrite it. But here it is now, I hope you enjoy. Please comment and share! Stay alive |-/     -Veah

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