Something Different

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                   Tris's POV
     "Hey Tris," Peter says when he walks over. He has Eric and Drew at his side. I'm surprised Molly isn't riding along...literally.
    "Hello," I say. Chris stands up and walks to Drew, taps him on shoulder and slaps him.
    "That's for your brother making fun of my little sister." I sigh, looking blackly at my notepad.
   "What could I get you?" I ask.
    "A piece of that ass. Just for old times sake." Tobias's jaw clenches.
     "Excuse me?" He asks. Peter looks at him. It's actually quite funny to see the difference in them.
    "Its none of your business." Zeke sips his coffee, looking at me nervously.
     "You just said that in front of me, making it my business. You should learn how to respect women." Peter chuckles.
    "I treated her real nice didn't I, Baby girl?" Tears brim my eyes.
    "You should leave," Tobias tells him. "I'm good." He stands up.
    "I wasn't suggesting." Peter looks back at Eric and Peter before swinging at Tobias. He lands it bright across his face, sure to leave a nice bruise. I remember when that was his fist coming at me. Tobias grabs him by his neck and slams him against the counter.
    "Your seriously defending that no good slut?" Right when he said that I knew Tobias was going to loose his shit. He swings his fast at Peters face, making him go out cold. He let's his body fall.
    "Who wants to take another shot?" He says, looking towards Eric and Drew. They stay silent. Chris looks at me with wide eyes.
    "Are you ok-" I don't give her enough time to finish before I walk into the back, tears escaping my eyes. My chest rises and falls heavily. I knew I would have to see him again, but not here and not this soon. The door opens, almost making me fall back.
    "Are you okay?" Al asks me. I nod, knowing he knows that I'm lying. He pulls me to his chest. I wrap my arms around his neck, crying into his neck. "You're okay."
    "No, I'm not. I'm tired of acting like I am," I say, taking a small step back. "I miss my parents more than I wish I did. I'm always tired. My anxiety is trying to kill me again. I'm terrified I'm going to end up like in was in our senior year again. I've been to scared to admit all this to myself."
     "Maybe you need a distraction. You know none of us are going to let you fall back in that place." I kiss his cheek.
    "Thank you. Is he still knocked out?"
    "Yeah. Zeke and Uriah carried him out. And yes we checked and he's still alive."

         "You're not wearing that," Tobias says when he closes the door of my dorm and looks at me

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         "You're not wearing that," Tobias says when he closes the door of my dorm and looks at me. I turn around and look at him. The back is completely see through and the front if see through going down the middle. "Now your definitely not wearing it."
    "I have to. Chris will kill me," I say. He walks over and stands directly in front of me. Looking at my breasts with a clicked brow. He puts his hand in through the top and takes out the toilet paper.
    "You don't need that." He takes out a jacket from my closet and puts it over my shoulders. "Its still..."
   "I know." I lean up and kiss him, tangling my fingers in his hair. He squeezes my waist, pulling himself away.
    "No. We won't be leaving this dorm if that continues," he says. "Later. We only have three days left with each other." That was a mood killer.
    "I don't want to think about that." I might have known what I was signing up for, but that doesn't mean I like it.
        Its too crowed. It smells like heavy alcohol. People are nearly having sex against walls. This definitely isn't my scene. Tobias places his hand at the small of my back, guiding me to the others.
     "Tris!" Chris yells and almost jumps on me and places a drinking my hand. I set it down. "Come on. One drink won't kill you."
    "No, but it will my common sense," I say. Zeke hands Tobias a beer, but he hands it back.
    "You need it," he says, handing it back. Some guy walks behind us and slaps my flat ass. I jump closer to Tobias. He glares at the guy, making the guy walk away.
       "You're gonna have a heat stroke," Will says, gesturing to my jacket. I chuckle a little, taking it off cause its too hot. Tobias and Zeke are outside doing something.
    "So, what's going on with Four and you?" He asks. Al nearly chokes on his drink. Zeke and Tobias walk back in.
   "Nothing," I whisper. Chris walks back over and pulls Will to dance. Tobias places his hands on my waist, not caring about Al. The look he gives him is almost possessive. I don't care about Al right now either. I want to be in Tobias's arms as long as I can until he leaves.
     "I love you," he says in my ear. My cheeks heat up. He puts his jacket over me.
    "Its too hot. Please?" I say. He takes it back, setting it next to mine and pulls me close, resting his hands in my back pocket. If he's not showing possessiveness in one way, he will in another.
    "When did this start?" Al asks, looking upset.
    "A month ago." His eyes widen in surprise. "I didn't want to say anything cause I knew you wouldn't-"
    "Your right about that," he says, shaking his head and gets up. "One day you'll see that your making a mistake." I watch as he walks away. Tobias takes my hand and sits down, pulling me with him.
   "Can you do me a favor?" I ask. He nods. "Kiss me."
         "I'm gonna miss you," he says, his lips brushing mine. I trace the part of the tattoo that's peaks out from his shoulders.
   "That's the last thing I want to think about. You'll write me right?" He grins.
    "Me asking you if I could is what stared all this. Then I'll come back to you and we can start someone more." I search his eyes, dark blue that's sometimes gets darker.
    "Something more?"
    "You getting used to my mom. Meeting your parents. Moving in together. Something more."

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