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Gina's POV

I croutched down before my suitcase and searched for clothes that would look appropriate for tonight. I whizzed past a couple bodycon dresses, but couldn't decide between them. This was the only other way I could refrain from thinking about what happened earlier on at Calypso's. When I saw all those cameras, I realised just how big Mateo was. I didn't expect it to be that intense. It seemed as though everybody knew who he was...but then I started thinking about the kiss. How he did it so care-freely. It was probably just influenced by the paparazzi and all the other people in the restaurant.

That's what I kept telling myself.

Mateo: Leaving so soon?

I turned to look at the door to see him adjusting his black tie around the collar of his white dress shirt. I then noticed how my fingers subconsciously found their way to my cheek, the one that he kissed. I quickly removed them and lightly giggled at his jokey remark.

Me: No I was just trying to find an outfit for tonight.

I said referring to the dresses layed out on my bed. He fastened his tie and positioned it correctly before stuffing his hands into the pockets of his black fitted jeans, and leaned on the door post. I watched as he skimmed through the dresses and pointed at a black off shoulder cut that went a little over my knees.

Mateo: I like that one.

I reached out for it and got up as I made my way towards the mirror. I then held it up against my body and invisioned what it would look like when I actually put it on. I was shocked to admit that Mateo had a great sense of fashion for a guy.

Me: I think this is it.

He walked up behind me and I looked at him appear in the mirror. We locked eyes for a moment, but this time I didn't feel the need to look away, instead I held it for as long as I could. He smiled at me through the mirror.

Mateo: I think so too.

Our mini staring contest was interrupted by Ayleo walking in wearing a worn out shirt with all sorts of colours and patterns on it.

Ayleo: I found this in the attic and thought it looked dope as hell. What do you guys think.

I tried holding back my laughter and watched Mateo shake his head whilst running his hands through his fro. Ayleo got the hint.

Ayleo: Oh come on you can't deny that this is a great t-shirt...right Gina?

Mateo and Ayleo both looked at me waiting for an answer. Mateo could tell I didn't agree and started grinning.

Mateo: What do you think Gina?

I paused trying to phrase my words properly. I'm a little too blunt and I didn't want to come across as a rude and obnoxious person.

Me: Maybe not for tonight's occasion Ayleo...

Mateo: Breh...Grandpa doesn't even wear shirts like that...come on now.

Ayleo: Whatever...

He took of the shirt and walked out of my room. I giggled lightly as Mateo joined in.

Me: Is he always that picky with his clothes?

Mateo: Yeah.

He said chuckling softly.

Mateo: Well I'll let you get dressed.

I nodded and watched as he shot me a smile and exited my room.


Mateo and I walked up to the front entrance of their parents house. Before anybody could ring the door bell, he gently pulled me aside and allowed the guests behind us to pass before vaguely greeting them. I looked over at Mateo. He seemed nervous.

Me: Is everything okay? You look a little off...

Mateo shook his head and smiled off whatever bothered him. I still wasn't as convinced as he hoped I'd be. He could tell that I didn't believe him. He sighed and gave in.

Mateo: Look...my family's a little rowdy...please just, don't take anything they say to heart...okay?

I smiled. His concern brought along a warm feeling. It made me feel a lot more at ease about tonight.

Me: Okay.

Mateo nodded and exhaled a breath of relief. He then snaked his hand over to mine and held on to it before squeezing it gently.

Me: You ready?

He nodded.

Mateo: I'm ready.

With that we continued making our way into the house.

The Arrangement: A Mateo Bowles FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now