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Gina's POV

Mrs Bowles: It's so great to finally have some one-on-one time with you Gina! With all that's been happening, I haven't necessarily been able to do much these days.

Me: It's nothing to worry about Mrs Bowles, you are a very busy woman after all. It's understandable.

She beamed at me before taking a sip of her lemonade. Mrs Bowles had invited me out for brunch at the golf club she owned, alongside Mr Bowles of course, to discuss the wedding. This only made it harder for me to actully realise just how wealthy Mateo's family is. It made me feel out of place. I too sipped a heavy gulp of my lemonade before placing my glass back onto the table.

Mrs Bowles: Have you spoken to your family since you've been out here?

Me: I actually spoke to them a couple days ago. Mama's doing alright and so is Kai. They've been caught up with helping Kai move out of the house and what not.

Mrs Bowles smiled at me and fiddled with her fingers.

Mrs Bowles: And what about your father?

This was another reason for me to down the rest of my lemonade. I never did too well with pressure. I felt more at ease being in Michigan and knowing that I could visit Papa whenever I liked made it better, but being in a whole new state just brought along a crazy amount of anxiety and I didn't know how to deal with it. I've been trying to keep away from thinking too much about it by doing regular activities. But now that Mrs Bowles brought it up I have no other choice but to think about it.

Me: I haven't spoken to him since the day I left to come here...

Mrs Bowles could tell that this was a sensitive subject for me. Her face fell into a frown. She reached both her hands out and took mine in hers.

Mrs Bowles: Sweetie, James and I are doing everything we can to find your father the best lawyer around. I thought maybe you'd like for him to be the one to walk you down the aisle. We're ready to make the means available in order for your entire family to be here for your special day. One way or another. You're a part of our family! Always have and always will be!

I smiled through strained lips in order to keep from tearing up.

Me: Thank you Mrs Bowles!

Mrs Bowles: Call me Monica sweetie.

I nodded in response. She released her embrace from my hands. We continued to speak about general things then after.

Monica: You and Mateo seemed to have a really great time at the family gathering. You two look like you're really hitting it off.

I smiled at the mention of Mateo.

Me: He's a really great guy.

Monica: He was the happiest he's ever been these past few years. After the move he just changed, you know. He grew to have this extremely hard heart. Nothing we did seemed to work. He'd respond bitterly to all of us and it just stuck with him, up until that day at the gathering. I don't know what you did dear but whatever it was, it worked!

We laughed. Suddenly a thought popped into my mind.

Me: Can I ask you something private Monica?

Monica: Of course Gina! What is it dear?

Me: Last night Mateo and I had a talk. We can both agree to admitting that he wasn't the nicest person the first time we met. We started to get to know eachother better these past couple days and I was so intrigued to find out what made him change...so I asked him...and he brought out this book with photographs of us together when we were kids. I had never seen them before. I just wonder if Mama hid them from me for a good reason...do you think she did?

Monica sighed out slowly.

Monica: Initially we were both meant to keep those away from the both of you. We didn't want you guys to feel guilty for what was going on. The move was something that was out of our control and in order to help the two of you move on away from each other without depending too much on those photos, we had to hide them. Mateo somehow found the images and he wouldn't stop looking at them. He obsessed over them. It was only right for us to bring you two together again. He was loosing it Gina...and I'm aware of how selfish it was for us to do such a thing but you guys were young. We never thought they'd effect you this much. I'm sorry on behalf of your mother and myself...

It all confused me. I didn't know what to say. Truthfully I was trying to cover up how I wasn't mad at Mateo keeping my baby photos. As weird as it may have seemed, it made me tingle inside because it just goes to show that he does have feelings for me. He's had them ever since we were separated.

Monica: He might not admit it but he sure does like you.

Me: I like him too.

I blurted. Monica beamed with happiness. I smiled at her excitement. Our food came and we ate and talked about dress fittings. We'd agreed to meet up in a few days time to try on dresses.

Monica: We need to figure out a date for the wedding too. Season's also contribute to a beautiful and unforgettable wedding.

I've always dreamt of having my wedding during the spring season, which is in 3 months from now. It seemed rushed. Monica advised that I wait a little seeing as 3 months is a short period of time to get wedding resources. I agreed to speak to Mateo about it and get back to her. We finished up with brunch and I was now on my way back home. I fumbled with the keys in my pockets until I finally opened up the door. The room was dimly lit. I furrowed my brows in confusion and closed the door before walking in further through the house.

I headed towards the lounge to see Mateo sitting on the couch. He sent me a small smile. I returned the gesture only to see all the candles lit in the lounge.

Me: What's all this?

He got up and walked towards me.

Mateo: As said before I am quite the observer. I came to notice how much you really care for the little things a person does. Seeing as we're bound together by force, it technically means we're engaged already. I just thought maybe this would make it feel a lot more realistic.

Mateo whipped out a small black velvet box from his back pocket and opened it up to reveal an iridescent belt of silver and gold. I gasped at the ring plunged with a huge white diamond in the middle.

Me: Oh my God...

Mateo chuckled at my reaction.

Mateo: May I?

He asked referring to the ring. I nodded nervously and watched as he held my left hand and slid the engagement ring on my ring finger. I stared down at the ring in utter captivity.

Me: It's beautiful Mateo.

I muttered still in shock. I pulled him in for a kiss. He kissed back passionately. His hands tightly pulled me close to him. He pulled away from the kiss and looked at me with eyes I couldn't quite cluster.

Mateo: I'm a very selfish man Gina. This ring means that nobody else can have you besides me.

Me: And no one will.

The words left me before I could even stop them. In some sense they were true. Oh who am I kidding, it was all true. He grinned again and brought his lips up to mine again. This time he led us upstairs without breaking the kiss.

No one else besides Mateo could have me.

I would make sure it stays that way.

The Arrangement: A Mateo Bowles FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now