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Mateo's POV

Gina: Don't you find it ironic how highschool's called highschool when one of the things we're taught is to refrain from using drugs. Weird right?

Yet another odd discovery had made its way out of Gina's tipsy mind. I'd soon began to regret insisting she drink wine. It was so easy for her to talk about almost everything in her drunken state and I was afraid she'd soon reveal something she didn't intend to. Gina had downed majority of the bottle and was now onto her last glass. Had I known she would've enjoyed it this much, I wouldn't have let her drink the damn thing. Regardless of all the weird things she'd come to realise about the world, this carefree Gina intrigued me. I found myself wanting to hear more. All the whole she'd made me laugh. Some things she mentioned weren't all that bad and it only drew me closer to her. I could sit and listen to her for hours on end without losing interest.

Gina: Being drunk feels amazing!

Me: Okay Gina I think you've had enough wine for the night.

Gina: Come on. A little more won't hurt.

She pressed. I smiled and simply shook my head.

Me: How would it look if my parents were to find out I let you drink a whole bottle of wine all by yourself. On my watch, might I add.

Gina: They don't have to know. You could actually join me this time.

A sly smirk appeared across her face as she but her bottom lip at me. I can't even begin to explain how much that turned me on.

Me: As tempting as that sounds. No. Don't fight me on this Gina.

She folded her hands across her chest before huffing out a 'fine'.

I headed over to the kitchen and dug around for some Tylenol and a glass of water before heading back over to her.

Me: Here. These'll help what's coming tomorrow.

Gina took the pills and plopped two in her mouth before sipping on the water and setting the glass back down on the counter.

I watched as she got comfortable on the sofa. All of a sudden she starts giggling out of nowhere. I watch as a string of giggles escape her lips. I can confidently say that that is one of the most captivating sounds I've ever heard.

Me: What's so funny?

Gina: Just something Syd said today.

Me: What did she say?

Gina: She asked me if you and I have slept together yet and I said no. Then she was on some shit about how we're technically together so it wouldn't be wrong if we did decide to have sex. Can you belive her?

The room went silent for a moment. Gina's eyes were shut and her head rested against the couch. I'm not going to lie and say that the thought hasn't crossed my mind, but now that she's bringing it up its only making me want to pursue that even more. Gina being drunk and all isn't helping very much either.

Testing the waters wouldn't do any damage, right?

Me: She's not wrong Gina...

She opened her eyes and sat upright to look at me directly. An expression I couldn't quite cluster made its way onto her face. I scooted forward until she was considerably close enough. I then placed my hand on her thigh and gently squeezed it. She sealed her eyes shut and her breath hitched.

Gina's POV

Mateo's hand was enough to set my entire body on fire. I wanted nothing more than to experience this wave of ecstasy that is sex. The only thing stopping me was how he'd react to finding out that I've never actually had sex before.

The Arrangement: A Mateo Bowles FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now