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Sydney (Gina's bestfriend from Atlanta^)

Mateo's POV

The night dragged on. We had a couple drinks, so to speak, but we weren't heavily intoxicated. I took a sip of whatever was in my cup when I felt a pair of eyes on me. I turned to see Ayleo staring me down.

Me: The fuck you looking at? Do I got something on my face?

The guys just laughed.

Ayleo: First it's the smoking and now this...?

Me: I swear Ayleo I ain't tryna hear shit like that tonight okay? Look if you wanna leave, by all means...

The laughter faded and tension filled the room.

Isaiah: Yo Teo bruh what's got you so tensed up? You been catching an attitude with Ayo ever since we got here...

Malik: Yeah man he's right...What's with the temper?

I sighed out heavily. I wasn't even trying to be rude. In fact I've constantly been trying to fight my anger the whole time. This situation's just made it harder for me to control my feelings.

Me: Look. I've just been a little on edge since I got back and I know that's not an excuse for my behaviour. I didn't mean to go off on you Ayo...I'm sorry.

Benny: But you did, and now we want to know why? Why'd you go off on him?

I looked over at Ayleo who folded his arms and tilted his head to the side.

Ayleo: Yeah Teo. Why'd you go off on me?

I paused as I found the right words to say in my mind.

Ayleo: Are you going to tell them?

Over thinking this would just make it even more difficult to explain. So I just came out with it and told them straight up, what was going on and why Gina's really here. They were shocked to hear it all.

Zay: That's crazy man...

Renzell: Damn. You ain't even got a choice in this do you?

I shook my head as a response.

Isaiah: Listen breh. Even if it may not seem like it, we're just tryna create an environment where you can feel free to tell us these things. You shouldn't have to think twice about it. We're here to give you our support in everything you do. Till we all 6 feet underground. And that's a promise.

All the other guys agreed. I couldn't help but smile after hearing that.

Me: Thanks y'all. I really appreciate it.

It went quiet for a little while until Benny decided to break the silence.

Benny: I wouldn't mind being forced to marry Gina though. I mean did you see her! Damn!

The guys broke into a laughter. I shook my head and chuckled lightly to myself. Typical Benny. Always finding the first female he sees attractive.

Me: Whatever man.

Benny: You don't agree?

Me: No comment.

Benny: Yeah okay...I see you...

More laughter filled the room.

Gina's POV

Monica arranged for my phone to have an Atlanta code along with a brand new number. I thought I'd give Mama and Kai a call just to let them know that that was the number I'd be using from now on and mostly because I missed them. They picked up after the third ring.

The Arrangement: A Mateo Bowles FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now