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Mateo's POV

I woke up to Gina still passed out in the sheets. She seemed to be doing a lot better than she was yesterday. She lay sprawled across the bed as one of her legs hung loosely out of the covers. Her steady breathing indicated that she was still fast asleep. I, however, had failed to get back to bed seeing as I'd been up for quite some time already. For a second night in a row, I hadn't gotten a decent amount of sleep.

My mind had been buzzing with many, many thoughts. Most of which I wasn't completely sure about. I just couldn't find it in me to understand how Gina could be so acceptant of my behaviour towards her during her stay here. I couldn't help but feel guilty, regardless of what she had told me yesterday night. I couldn't help but feel like I owe it to her to change, but even that didn't seem enough. I was left clueless after last night due to not being able to adjust to being forgiven so easily.

Majority of my life I'd get myself into a whole lot of trouble, and in order to regain people's trust I'd have to do everything in my might to do so. That's just how I was brought up. I was so used to those extremes that it just stuck with me.

But with Gina, it was different.

So different.

It scared me to death how someone could be so forgiving. Especially since I'm not very familiar with all that. I have to figure out what I'm going to do to resolve my issues before I start to push Gina away.

I got out of bed as quietly as I could and slipped on a loose t-shirt along with a pair of basketball shorts before putting on a pair of slides. I then walked into the bathroom to freshen up and proceeded to make my way downstairs. I rummaged through the pantry and got out all the things I need to make pancakes. I then collected some eggs and bacon out the fridge. Just as I was about to crack and egg into a bowl, my phone started ringing. It was Ayleo. I answered the phone before bringing it up to my ear. We talked a little about last night at Mama's.

Ayleo: What time did y'all leave?

Me: Just after midnight.

Ayleo: Did Gina have a good time?

Me: Yeah she did.

Ayleo: Where is she right now?

Me: What's with all the questions Ayleo?

Ayleo: That's not the answer to my question Mateo.

Mateo: It's not the answer to mine either Ayleo. She's asleep. She's not feeling very well.

Ayleo: What did you do?

Me: What do you mean what did I do? She's just got a bit of a cold Ayleo. Damn...

Ayleo sighed out slowly.

Ayleo: I'm sorry. It's just that...last night was the very first night you spent with her alone. I just wanted to make sure that everything went well. You have a tendency to forget who your dealing with.

Me: Well if you must know. She's doing just fine. There's nothing you need to worry about.

Ayleo left our little squabble alone and told me we had an interview today. I then assured him that I'd be there and that I'd meet him at the venue before hanging up the phone and continuing to make breakfast.

Gina's POV

An inviting whiff of bacon filled the room, instantly awakening me from my slumber. I stretched lazily before removing the sheets from my body and heading out of Mateo's room. I walked into my own and freshened up as a cold gust of wind swept past me, causing shivers down my spine. The creak through the window seemed to be getting worse. The sides had left a crack through the window. I'd be sure to let Teo know that that window needed to be replaced. I then proceeded to make my way downstairs to be met with Mateo flipping a pancake by the stove. He turned to look at me with a small smile.

Mateo: Good morning sleepy head!

I giggled lightly.

Me: Good morning! Breakfast smells amazing by the way.

Mateo: Well I do try.

I smiled at him softly and sat down by the counter.

Mateo: You feeling any better?

Me: A lot better. Thank you again for letting me crash in your room last night. That was really sweet of you.

Mateo: You're welcome to stay there as long as you need to. I don't think it'll take that long to fix your window though. It's just stuck anyways.

I pursed my lips together tightly.

Me: Yeah...about that...I happened to notice a crack in the window this morning when I went to brush my teeth and it goes right through the middle of the window...

Mateo sighed out irritably.

Mateo: How is that even possible? What could've caused such during the night?

I shrugged helplessly.

Mateo: It's going to take a while to replace that glass...but in the meantime you're free to sleep in my room.

Me: Thank you.

Mateo slid a plate with pancakes and fresh fruits with a bottle of maple syrup.

Mateo: I didn't know what you'd prefer but I made a bit of everything just in case.

Me: This is more than enough Teo. Thank you.

He fixed a plate for himself and we ate in a comfortable silence.

Mateo: Oh I almost forgot. Ayleo and I have an interview today. Would you like to tag along?

I was hesitant about going with Ayo and Teo. I felt overwhelmed enough with the paparazzi at Calypso's yesterday, I don't think I could handle that again.

Me: Oh I don't know...I don't want a situation where the paparazzi's all over us again...

Mateo: I apologise for that day. I didn't mean to expose you to all that...

Me: It's alright don't sweat it. I think I'll stay here today.

Mateo: Are you sure...we can ask our driver to take us there. That way no one will know it's my car.

Me: I'm sure. I'll just lounge around here.

Mateo nodded in understanding. He then stood up and placed his plate into the sink.

Mateo: Well I'll be on my way then. First I need to go get ready. I'll see you later.

He walked over to me and pecked my cheek. I smiled involuntarily before mumbling a bye. There was something about that kiss. It lit something in me that I never knew was there...

I liked that feeling.

I liked it a lot

The Arrangement: A Mateo Bowles FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now