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Gina's POV

I intertwined my fingers in Mateo's and gently squeezed them as I watched his chest rise and fall in a slow motion. He looked beyond peaceful. A sight I could get used to seeing every morning. I let go of his hand and placed mine into his hair as his curls loosely wrapped around my small fingers.

I'd enjoyed myself last night. I'd enjoyed myself a little too much. I never wanted to come across as the needy kind but at the same time Mateo's hands worked wonders all over my body. I just couldn't find it in me to deny how great it felt.

It scared me how much control he'd had over me in that moment. I wanted to loose myself to him but I knew better. We're not even married yet. It's important for me to take my morals into consideration when going the extra mile with someone, especially seeing as it was my first time going that far with anyone in my entire life.

I'd grown up in a very guarded family. My father was protective over me and dating was never really something I'd gotten into when I was younger. Being a young woman now I've gotten used to being by myself and enjoying it. But Mateo, Mateo lit something in me that made me anxious and desperate to have him around me. He's just something else.

All of a sudden Mateo began to shift around. His eyelids peeled open and his brown orbs met mine. A lazy smile plastered across his face as he outstretched his arms in attempt to wake up.

Me: I must seem like a creep.

Mateo chuckled tirely before rolling onto his stomach to face me. My hands still in his hair.

Mateo: Watching someone sleep until they wake up isn't creepy at all.

He grinned, his voice laced in sarcasm.

Me: I haven't been up that long I promise.

He chuckled yet again before leaning in to peck my lips.

Mateo: How'd you sleep?

He asked in a raspy tone. His lips slightly brushing against mine. I smiled shyly.

Me: Great. How about you?

Mateo: The best I've ever slept in a long time.

He growled into my ear and started to hover over me. I found myself underneath him as he propped himself over me in a push up position. He slowly leaned in and placed his lips on mine. It was a slow and deep kiss. Mateo's hand brushed over my thigh and his mouth met my neck. He started to nibble lightly.

Mateo: I really enjoyed myself last night...up until Ayleo decided to stop by...

His irritation made me laugh.

Me: I did too.

Mateo: No one's ever made me want anything as bad as you did yesterday.

My heart fluttered a little and my body temperature started to rise. I'm sure he could tell because I felt him laugh against my neck.

Me: I'm glad I could be of service.

He pecked my forehead quickly before getting up off me. I giggled lightly and watched as he walked over to the dresser and picked out a grey shirt. His muscles flexed as he pulled on the shirt. I couldn't help but stare.

Mateo: You like what you see?

His reflection in the mirror revealed a smirking Teo. I playfully through a pillow at him and he caught it winking at me before tossing it back onto the bed.

Mateo: What are you're plans for today?

I remember talking to Sydney about her coming over. I told him about it and he seemed to be alright with it.

Mateo: Would you mind if I invited some of the guys? I'll behave this time.

I smiled and shook my head.

Me: I wouldn't mind at all. We could have a barbecue outside. I mean the weather looks promising.

Mateo: I'll go out and get some stuff. I'll be back in a little bit.

I felt a little sad that he wouldn't be spending breakfast with me but over looked it because he was happier than he's ever been around me and I didn't want it to end. I nodded my head at him. He quickly grabbed his denim jacket and pecked my cheek before exiting the room.

I was alone with my thoughts for a moment when my phone started ringing. I looked at the caller ID. It was Mama.

Me: Hey Mama!

Mama: Gina! How are you?

Me: I'm alright Mama. How about you? How's Kai?

Mama: We doing just fine baby. I've been meaning to call you these past few days but I've been really busy. Atlanta treating you good?

Me: Yeah it's been great actually. Just a little different to what I'm used to but I'm hanging in there.

Mama: I'm glad to hear that. Have you and Mateo been getting to know eachother.

To avoid telling my mother details I just replied with a simple 'Yeah'. We talked about everything from her searching for a new job and how Kai's working at some local marketing agency. I was happy for my family. I was grateful that they were doing fine. All I hadn't heard a word about was Papa. I just wondered how he was doing. In hopes of hearing decent news I asked Mama about him. She hesitated a little before answering.

Mama: I went to visit him for the first time yesterday. He's so proud of you and he told me to tell you that he loves you.

My heart sank slightly. I missed my family and home sickness started to kick in.

Me: I'll try and get a flight to come see you in the near future. I'd really like to get together.

Mama: That would be amazing baby. Well I'm sure you have a lot to do. I shouldn't keep you. I'll tell Kai you said hello.

I bid my mother my goodbyes and ended the phone call. I got up out of bed and walked over to my room. I started my morning routine and exited the bathroom in hope of finding a swimsuit for today.

The Arrangement: A Mateo Bowles FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now