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Gina's POV 

I walked out of the bathroom and sat crossed legged on the bed. Mateo threw on a loose t-shirt and headed towards me with a small smile on his face.

Mateo: You said you wanted to talk?

I nodded and patted the spot opposite me for him to sit down. He chuckled lightly before shaking his head and doing just that.

Mateo: Is everything alright?

Me: Everything's fine...I've just been waiting for the right moment to talk about some stuff with you, you know, regarding our current situation...

Mateo furrowed his brows inching forward and giving me his full attention.

Mateo: Stuff? Like what?

I exhaled a breath.

How do I put this?

Me: I'm sure you know that our wedding is yet to be brought up. We haven't once discussed it and I'd really like to know what's happening with that...

Mateo face palmed himself.

Mateo: I completely forgot. Mama called earlier on today. She wants the two of you to get together to plan your fittings.

Me: Oh that's great. I'll give her a call tomorrow.

Mateo nodded.

Mateo: Perfect.

Me: There's one more thing.

He looked at me with the same amount of focus played across his face.

Mateo: I'm listening.

I paused hesitantly. This could go wrong on so many levels. He could either flip out and tell me off, or he could go back to the Teo he was a couple days ago. I just decided to be straight up with him.

Me: What's going on with us Teo? What are we? I just...You weren't as pleasant as I'd hoped you'd be when I first time I met you. A couple more days down the line we're making out and you're...okay with it. What changed?

He sighed out slowly before looking down into his lap. I felt as though I'd hit the wrong topic of conversation. I never wanted to make him uncomfortable and I started to debate whether or not it would be wise for me to change the subject.

All of a sudden he got up and left the room.

I knew this was a bad idea. I shouldn't have asked.

Just as I thought he was gone for good he came back into the room and shut the door behind him. This time with a white book in his hands. I watched wearily as he made his way back to the bed and placed the book between us. He sat down in his previous spot and outstretched both his hands for me to take. I hesitantly reached forward and placed my palms in his own. He wrapped his fingers around mine and squeezed gently. His eyes met my gaze and his expression softened.

Mateo: I'm about to share something with you that not even my parents or Ayleo know about. This book isn't just any other book. It has more meaning than anything else I own. I know this might be a little fucked up but just bare with me...Please.

He slid the book closer to me and motioned that I could open it. I flipped the cover open and the first thing I saw was my full name carved in cursive along side what I presumed to be Mateo's full name in there too.

Gina Marie Saint-Claire & Mateo Elijah Bowles.

My heart sank to my feet. Mixed emotions began to flood my mind. I looked up to meet Mateo's eyes.

Me: What is this?

I asked nervously. My voice cracked. I spoke just above a whisper and tears started to well up in my eyes.

Mateo: Keep paging through it.

He said gently. I did as told and turned the page to see a picture of myself and Mateo when we were younger. This book seemed to have a lot of pictures of us when we were smaller. I was so confused.

Why hadn't I ever seen these before?

Me: Where did you get them from?

Mateo: Your mom gave them to my mom before we'd left for Atlanta. Ever since then I've kept them in this photo album. I don't even think my mom knows I still have it.

I felt a tear slip down my cheek. Soon after a gentle thumb swiped it away. Mateo cupped my face into his hand. I let my head dip into his palm.

Mateo: Gina please don't...

Me: I'm sorry...I'm just a little overwhelmed. I've never seen these before and I guess reality just kicked in.

Mateo: I'm aware of the fact that you might not remember any of this but...not a day passed were I hadn't thought about you at least once or twice. I knew exactly who you were the first time we'd met, I just chose not to acknowledge you as much because it brought all these feelings back. Gina,  after we left I felt as though a part of me had been ripped off and thrown out. You were the only person close to a friend I had at the time. Even Ayleo, my own brother, didn't know me as well as you did. I've changed...a lot...since then...and I'll be the first to say that it took a very wrong turn. I started drinking...smoking. I have intense anger issues...but I'm working on it, I promise. When I'd heard we were coming back to see your family I'd already had my mind set on forgetting about everything...but it didn't work. Instead I was horrible to you. That was my defence mechanism at the time. All you did was treat me well regardless of my attitude to you. I felt terrible and I knew I had to change or else I'd push you away. The only reason I cared about that was because I care about you. And now I'm done pretending. I'm done messing around...and if you're still willing to give this your all, then I am too. I don't care what anyone else thinks anymore...I'm sorry for keeping this from you and I'm sorry about my behaviour. I really am.

Sincerity laced all over his voice and his eyes. I felt at one with Mateo. All the memories began to come into play. I couldn't even find it in me to be mad at my mother or him because this all came from a good place. I had nothing to say. I was speechless.

I leaned in and wrapped my arms around him. Surprisingly he hugged me back. He gently rubbed up and down my back. I pulled away slightly until our faces were only a couple inches away from eachother.

Me: You're not the guy I thought you were Mateo.

Bravery seemed to seep through my blood. I leaned in and placed my lips on his. He seemed a little taken back but nevertheless enjoyed it.

Mateo: I'm not?

He asked innocently. I shook my head 'no' as a smile took over my lips. Mateo grinned at me before lifting my legs around his torso and setting me down on my back in a swift motion. He was now hovering over me. He then meshed our lips together and pulled away slightly.

Mateo: What am I then?

He growled seductively.

Me: You're even better!

The Arrangement: A Mateo Bowles FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now