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Gina's POV

Papa: How are Kairo and Mama?

Me: They're alright. Kairo was out when I was on my way here. Mama said I should tell you that she said hi.

Papa smiled and looked down shyly. I smiled back at his reaction to my last remark.

Me: What's got you smiling so much?

Papa: You have no idea how much I love your mother. It tears me apart everytime I think about how many years I've spent away from her. I miss her so much. I miss all of you.

My heart melted a little.

Me: We miss you too Papa. Kai's put some money together to help with hiring a lawyer so we can get you out of here. You'll be out soon Papa. I promise.

Papa shrugged.

Papa: I don't know baby. I've come to accept my new life in here. That's only because I know for a fact that Richard and Bobbie won't let up that easy.

Richard and Bobbie are the two men involved in committing the whole money syndicate at Columbia Records.

Papa: They will do whatever it takes to avoid facing jail time. That means another couple years in prison for me.

Me: No Papa. You're wrong. The Lord always has a plan for good people. Just you wait. Richard and Bobbie have it coming.

Papa sighed out softly.

Papa: I just pray that there's some sort of evidence against them.

It went silent between the two of us for a few seconds until I remembered the picnic basket I'd brought for Papa. I got it from behind me and placed it infront of Papa.

Me: I almost forgot! I brought you something.

His face gave a slight glow. He opened up the basket and retrieved his favourite item within it.

Papa: You didn't.

I giggled lightly.

Me: Why don't you take a bite. I know you want to.

Papa: Like hell I do.

We both broke into a laughter as I watched him sink his teeth into the pie.

Me: How does it taste?

Papa: It tastes amazing!

He's mouth was stuffed so all I heard was muffled words.

I couldn't help but laugh again. He seemed to eat the food fairly quickly. It then dawned on me how he wasn't eating it fast because he wanted to, but because he was hungry. My face fell into a frown. He noticed my sudden mood change. Papa took out a napkin and wiped away the crumbs of excess food with it.

Papa: I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. It's just that we barely eat over here...

He wasn't lying. Papa had lost a lot of weight ever since he got here. He looked malnourished.

Me: You didn't make me uncomfortable...I just feel helpless whenever I see you in here. I want to do more for you Papa, I really do. I just don't know how...

Papa placed his hand over mine.

Papa: Just keep being the loving daughter that you always are. I couldn't ask for anything more but to see you. This is a blessing in itself. The fact that I'm able to see you is a blessing.

I looked him in the eyes. This was the first time I'd done that in a while. I would never look him directly in the eyes because as a child, it hurts to see either one of your parents at their lowest. I was afraid I'd have an emotional breakdown just seeing all the pain in his eyes. Then a dark area beneath his right eye had caught my attention. That's when I realised that he had a black eye. I let out an unexpected gasp before grasping his face into the palm of my hands and lifting it up to the sun just to make sure what I had seen was real.

The Arrangement: A Mateo Bowles FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now