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Gina's POV

Syd: It's beautiful Gina! I knew there was some sort of reason your parents brought the two of you together!

She squealed as she gently took my hand in hers and viewed my engagement ring. I giggled at her excitement, feeling the exact same swirl of emotions I'd felt when Mateo proposed to me yesterday.

Syd: I don't know how this whole arranged marriage thing works but aren't y'all already 'together' already?

Me: I guess that's one way to put it. I wasn't expecting this at all. He went through with the formalities and everything. It was such a gentlemanly gesture. I just couldn't seem to take it all in. I'm still buzzing from the whole experience at this very moment!

Syd: But you're glowing Gina! I haven't seen you this happy ever!

I couldn't help the smile that had plastered itself on my face. Mateo genuinely took me by surprise and this only makes it so much easier to actually trust that he's dedicated to this predicament we've been forced into. My heart flutters each time I think about it and I just wonder how much more of his guarded aura I can learn to adjust to.

Me: I'm truly and genuinely at piece with life as of late. Mateo seems to be opening up to me more and more these days. I'm starting to feel like this could actually work out for us. You know, naturally, instead of it being a compulsory arrangement.

Sydney: I'm so glad you feel that way! I can't even breathe right now! Congrats best friend!

She said pulling me into a tight hug. I returned the gesture before she decided to break away. Suddenly a devilish grin played across her lips. I could feel my contorted brows dip into a deep furrowed expression and questionably shot her a confused look.

Me: What?

Syd: So...?

I tilted my head to the side, my confusion still visible on my face.

Me: So what Sydney?

She leaned in close and smirked at me.

Syd: Have you and Mateo fucked yet?

I felt my throat become dry and immediately take a large sip of my water, before shaking my head as a response to her very blunt question. Sydney sighed out an exasperated sigh before shooting me a look of disbelief.

Syd: You know from what I heard the day you told me about you and him almost sleeping together, it seems like he can't resist anymore. What are you waiting for Gina?

Me: We're not even married yet. Besides...I'm a little terrified...

Syd threw her head back and let out a deep laugh.

Syd: Of what Gina?

Thinking back to this morning when I'd gotten up earlier than Mateo, only to be met with a very prominent boner sprouting through his boxers, a very huge one might I add. I don't think I could physically take all that in even if I tried. I'm already having trouble trying to fathom how large he really is.

Me: Let's just say for a skinny guy like himself, he carries quite large necessities, ones I can't see myself ever being able to adjust to.

Syd looked at me weird.

Syd: Need I remind you that it might hurt the first time, but it's going to feel amazing the next. I personally think you should just let it happen. I mean you are getting married to him anyway so you aren't technically breaking any rules here.

Her words burned into my skull, leaving me with mixed emotions about her last statement. Part of me wanted to accept the fact that she does have a valid point and I'm not necessarily doing anything wrong, but another part of me thought about how I may be jumping to conclusions and Mateo might not be ready for any of that. That night on the couch was just a 'caught in the moment' sort of thing for both of us. I shouldn't assume he'd want to do it with me just because of that one intimate encounter we shared.

Me: I don't know Syd...

Syd: Just think about it Gina. You seriously don't know what you're missing.

She said shooting me a wink.

Me: You must be getting a lot for you to be saying that to me.

Syd smiled proudly.

Syd: A girls gotta do what a girls gotta do. Plus I have so much free time on my hands these days. I might as well enjoy it while I can.

I giggled at her. A small vibration caught my attention. I'd soon came to realise that it was my phone ringing. I looked at the caller ID and smiled before swiping accept on the screen.

Me: Hey you.

I looked over at Syd who'd mouthed a 'who is it' to me. I'd replied to her by simply saying Mateo. All of a sudden she started rubbing all over her body and making fake kissing noises whilst playfully moaning his name. I tried to refrain from laughing at her childish behaviour and focus on the phone call at hand. I put the phone on speaker before placing it down on my thigh.

Mateo: Hey Gina...wait, who's making those sounds in the background?

His voice laced in amusement and another emotion I couldn't quite cluster.

I flustered at his question. Unsure of how to answer.

Me: It's Syd.

Mateo chuckled lightly. His laugh somehow soothing my embarrassment.

Mateo: Did you put me on speaker?

I nodded disregarding the fact that he couldn't see me.

Syd: She sure did!

He let out yet another laugh.

Mateo: Hi Syd.

She greeted him back before giving me a naughty wink. I shook my head at her and returned to the phone call.

Me: Is everything okay?

Mateo: Yeah, no everything's fine. I was just checking up on you. I'm on my way back home so I thought I'd come over and pick you up, but it seems as though you've already got company so I'll just head back on my own.

Syd grabbed my phone out of my hands and lifted it up high just as I tried to grab hold of it.

Syd: Oh I certainly wouldn't mind if you'd like to steal her for a bit. We were just finishing up anyways. You can come and pick her up at my place.

My mouth hung open in pure shock.

Mateo: I don't want to impose...

Syd: Don't worry about it Teo. We can make plans for another day.

He gave in and asked for her address before reassuring us that he'd be here in less than 10 minutes. With that she bid him her goodbyes and tossed me my phone back.

Me: You know if you wanted me gone you could've just asked.

Syd: Oh please I'm just trying to give you and your man some alone time. He clearly wants to be around you so why stop him. Plus you could try out my suggestion tonight, you know, let loose a little...

Me: I don't think so.

We laughed all the while returning back to our earlier conversation.

Maybe being a little adventurous wouldn't hurt, right?

The Arrangement: A Mateo Bowles FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now