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Gina's POV

I wrapped the loose strings of an apron around my waist and proceeded to help Mrs. Bowles prepare the dinner for our guests, by chopping up the ingredients needed to make the salad.

Mrs. Bowles along with a couple of Mateo's aunts had all came together to help out with today's family gathering. It made me feel a little out-of-place seeing as I had never been in an environment where all my family members were together in one place to celebrate anything.

Let's just say Christmas dinners as well as Thanksgiving lunches only ever consisted of my mother, Kai and my father, up until he got arrested.

I was disconnected from my ponder when I'd realised that ViaRose, an aunt of Mateo's had, directed a question my way. All the other women in the kitchen turned to face me, awaiting my answer to whatever she had asked. I cringed at the thought of asking her to repeat herself due to my lack of focus in regards to the people around me.

Me: Pardon me Aunt Vi?

The women giggled lightly, I, still confused as to what was so amusing, managed to give off a small and confused smile. Just then Mateo walked into the kitchen and greeted his aunt's before walking over to me, and placing his hand on the small of my back. He then stuck his hand into the salad bowl, picked out a green olive and popped it into his mouth. I playfully swatted his shoulder and he sent me a cheeky wink.

Aunt ViaRose: Oh! Speaking of the devil...Maybe he could tell me when the two are planning on starting your own family...

I felt my throat become dry. Mateo gently tightened his grip on me, letting me know that he had sensed me getting uncomfortable. He looked down at me with a smile before answering his Aunt.

Mateo: Not anytime soon Auntie...

He said letting out a chuckle.

Mateo: Now if y'all don't mind, I'd like to steal her for a little bit.

Mrs. Bowles: She's all yours baby!

Mateo gave his mother a grin, before leading me out of the tense kitchen. I sighed out a heavy breath that I hadn't realised I was holding.

Mateo: You see what I mean...

Me: I wasn’t expecting that...not right now at least...

Mateo gave me a light chuckle. I joined in with him to ease the pressure.

Mateo: I think you should stick with me for the rest of the night.

I nodded shyly before diverting my attention to him as he laced our fingers together. I looked back up at him to see him facing me already. I let off a small smile and he returned the gesture, leading us out back to the rest of his family.


The night had gone extremely well and I got to meet some of Mateo's family members. They spoke quite highly of him. His friends mentioned his loving and charismatic personality.

Looking back to the first day we met him, I would've never imagined such and arrogant person showing any form of affection to anyone. I haven't payed any mind to his sudden change in behaviour, but I've been intrigued to know what made him do so. I've held back my urge to ask him about it out of fear that his attitude towards me would change again. I'd like to savour this side of Mateo for as long as I can. It makes it easier for me to see him in a much brighter light. It betters our 'relationship', if that's the correct word to call whatever it is that we have.

Mateo and I had bid our goodbyes to everyone and started towards the car. He opened up the passenger door for me. I hopped in and watched as he shut the door behind me. He then entered the drivers seat and threw his head back before letting out a tired sigh.

Mateo: I'm so ready to dive into my sheets right now...

I giggled at his comment as he joined in with me.

Me: That makes two of us.

Mateo: We should've snuck out earlier.

Me: There was no way that could've happened. You're mom was all over us.

Mateo: Damn I thought I was the only one that saw that.

All of a sudden I felt a tickle in my nostrils and I let out a sneeze.

Mateo: Someone might be catching a cold...we should get you home...

I sniffled as he chuckled lightly and inserted the keys into the ignition, before backing out of the driveway and driving us back to the house.

Mateo's POV

We were on our way back to the house when I'd noticed that Gina had passed out beside me. I came to a stop at a red light. This gave me the opportunity to remove my blazer and drape it over her shivering body. I did this as cautiously and as gently as I could, making sure I don't wake her. The traffic light turned green and I continued to make my way to the house.

Gina's POV

I felt a hand gently shake my shoulder. I opened my eyes to see that we were parked outside the driveway and noticed Mateo's blazer on me.

Me: We're here already?

Mateo: Yeah. Here let me help you out.

He unstrapped my seat belt and hopped out of the car to help me out. He opened the passenger side and escorted me towards the entrance of the house. I walked in and heard the door shut behind me. I removed Mateo's blazer and thanked him for his kind act.

Mateo: You're welcome...you look exausted...you should should get some rest...

I nodded my head in agreement.

Me: Thank you for tonight. I really enjoyed myself.

Mateo: It's no problem...I hope you feel better in the morning.

Me: Me too...

I started towards the stairs and stopped when I heard him say something.

Mateo: Goodnight Gina.

I turned around and gave him a small smile.

Me: Goodnight Mateo.

I watched as he smiled back at me before stuffing his hands into his pockets and walked into the direction of the kitchen.

The Arrangement: A Mateo Bowles FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now