Chapter 1: A snowy night

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Wowowow a new book who'd of thought
Btw ^^ what Tae is wearing

It was a wet, cold, snowy Monday afternoon at high school. Taehyung sat in history class with 4 layers on, plus mittens. He looked to the frosted windows, admiring the flakes of snow falling, while doodling one of Van Gogh's paintings.

Suddenly a paper ball was thrown at Taehyungs head, landing by his desk.

"Mr Kim Taehyung! Do you ever pay attention!" The teacher bellowed

"Uh uh- that uh- wasn't me?" Tae spoke softly, looking around to see who threw the ball of paper.

The teacher arose from his chair, slowly moving towards Tae to pick up the paper ball.

" ur a lame nerd, stop doing those stupid drawings alien - Jungcock lord" the teacher slowly read out, his voice in disbelief.

"JEON JUNGKOOK!" He screamed

"HAHA I thought that was pretty clever, don't you think sir? It's so accurate-" Jungkook bursts out laughing, feet up on the desk, chewing his gum obnoxiously loud.

"Very mature Jungkook, do you think I should call in senior Jin to come and see this? See what he says?"

Jungkook didn't speak.

"Taehyung, Jungkook, both of you, detention after school, 2 hours. Class dismissed"

Jungkook shot a scowl at Taehyung from across the room as he slams his chair under his desk. Jungkook pushes past Taehyung causing him to fall against the wall.

That Jungkook, he thinks he's the absolute shit, god I don't think I've hated someone so much in my whole 17 years on this planet. How can someone be so ignorant, bossy, childish, goodlooking, handsome... AN IDIOT.

Tae thought to himself as he collected his books from the floor and continued down the hall way.


[end of school- detention time]

"Mr Jeon, Mr Kim, here is your work, I expect it done and completed, and NO leaving this room until the two hours is up. Goodnight." The teacher said, handing them 5 sheets and closing the door behind him.

They both watched the door until it was completely closed.

Jungkook suddenly turned around in his desk and slammed his fist onto Taehyung's.

"This is all your fault you rat! If you had of just picked up that piece of paper we wouldn't be in this mess!" Jungkook argued.

"If you hadn't of thrown it and signed it 'Jungcock lord' we also wouldn't be in this mess" Tae shouted back, kicking the Youngers chair.

" OI OI OI OI, what's going on here" Senior Jin appeared from the hallway.

"Jin- we were- uh- just- doing our uh WORK! Yes work!" Tae stuttered as he grabbed his pen and started scribbling.

"Yeah he was doing work, I was just sat here" Jungkook said lazily, swinging back and fourth on his chair.

"There's no point keeping you two here, me teacher Namjoon have some... catching up to do" Jin said, trailing off, leaving the room.

Jungkook leaped up from his seat, sheets flying everywhere, Tae starts to pick up the sheets from the hard wooden floor. With that Jungkook sprints down the hallway, only to stop, and turn back around.

"I'm uh- sorry, let me h-help you" Jungkook said, softly. Tae looked at him in shock.

"Uh, thanks?" Tae said, as Jungkook walked by his side down the hallway.

What in the world-? Is he just gunna walk with me? Where's all his side hoes at?

They exited the school building, it was freezing, the snow was heavy and thick, icicles hung from the roof as Taehyung's warm breath formed a white cloud in the air.

Jungkook mounted his black motor bike and put his helmet on, he threw his puffer jacket at Taehyung who was waiting for his ride home.

"Here you go nerd" he shouted, as he revved his motor bike and road off down the slippery path.

Why would I want his nasty coat, probably has cigarettes and all sorts in it. I fucking hate him.



So a new book! I'm going to be starting two new books, but the @kingtaekook__   
Fam on Instagram voted for this one first so here you are!
Btw double update bcoz why not💌✨

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