Chapter 5: Just boxers

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[on the plane: 6:57AM]

The plane was small and stuffy, considering not many people go to Hawaii for Christmas, there was no need for a big plane.

Jungkook flopped down on the seat next to his dad.

"Uh- no no Jungkook, stand up and sit next to Tae, don't be so rude young man" Jungkook grunted and sat next to Taehyung, pushing Tae's elbow off the arm rest so he had more room.

"We don't need to speak rat, just go to sleep or something" Jungkook snapped, shutting his eyes and putting his headphones in.

Sigh, I'm already sick of him.

[on the plane: 8:23AM]

Everyone on the plane was asleep, not one person spoke. The silence was nice.

Taehyung was the only person still awake, he sat doodling in his sketch pad with a fountain pen and a cup of coffee.

Suddenly a weight fell on Tae's shoulder, startling him and making him drop his fountain pen on the floor.

"Jungkook get the fuck off-"

Tae stopped mid sentence and turned to Jungkook.

His skin glistened as the sunrise peaked through the plane window, the sun hitting his cheeks. His eyes were scrunched up, his mouth slightly open and quietly snoring. His hair had fallen in front of his face.

Tae brushed Jungkooks hair out of his face with his index finger and tucked it behind his ear.

Ugh he's not even cute.

Ok maybe he's a little bit cute.

One of Jungkooks headphones fell out and dangled next to Tae's hand. Tae placed the headphone in his ear, curious as to what he was listening to.

2u by Justin Bieber? A love song? Man I thought it'd be heavy metal or screamo.

Tae placed his head on top of Jungkooks and smiled as the golden sun hit their faces.

"Maybe I've got you wrong all this time Jungkook, just maybe..." Tae softly spoke, making sure Jungkook couldn't hear.

He slowly drifted off to sleep, snuggling into Jungkooks muscly arm.

[Welcome to Hawaii! : 10:02AM]

"Oi rat"


"OI TAEHYUNG" Jungkook shouted, unlatching Taehyungs hand from his bicep.

"Wha-?" Taehyung rubbed his eyes in confusion.

"We're here idiot" Jungkook said bluntly, getting up from his seat and making his way off the plane.

The 6 of them exited the plane, smiles on faces and luggage in hand, en route to their villa.

"Come on boys, the fun starts now!" Mrs Kim shouted to Jungkook and Tae Who just looked at eachother in disapproval.

[At the villa]

The 6 of them rolled up to the villa. The sky was blue, the grass was green and the sea was crystal clear.

Taehyung sprinted up the stairs, not bothering to check out the infinity pool or the private beach in an attempt to bagsie the biggest bedroom.

Tae reached the top of the stairs, puffing and panting.

Wait- what-

"Uh Mum???" Tae shouted down, peering across the balcony to see the 5 of them staring up at Tae.

"Yes dear!" Mrs Kim said with a smile.

"Why is their only 3 bedrooms?" Tae shouted, a sense of anger in his voice.

"Me and your father, Jungkooks mother and father, you and Jungkook"

M-me and Jungkook...

"But the rooms only have 1 double bed in each" Tae stressed his point.

"Hahah dear! I'm sure you and Jungkook are old enough and mature enough to share a bed" Mrs Kim chuckled.

Jungkook shot a death stare up to Tae who leaned over the balcony.

But I sleep in only my boxers.


Sorryyyyy this was so long, kinda a filler chap, it gets juicy in the next one dw 🤙🏼

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