Chapter 10: Grind on me

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[Beach party: 11:41PM]

10 shots and 3 ciders later, Taehyung stumbled back to the log he was sat on earlier, and tried to regain his balance.

He looked around to see where his new friends had gotten to, and where Jungkook was.

Yoongi and Jimin were mid make out session, sat on eachothers laps. Hobi ran around trying to find another drink, even though he's clearly had far too much.

Taehyung laughed to himself watching Hobi run around like a headless chicken.

But where was...

Suddenly Tae felt a strong grip around his waist and a warm breath on his neck.

"Come dance with me" Jungkook whispered, his words slightly slurred, pulling Taehyung closer.

Taehyung being very intoxicated obviously said yes.

Jungkook grabbed Tae's hand and pulled him to the wooden floor on the beach. Jungkook pulled him to the very centre.

Tae stood back, admiring Jungkook dancing under the moonlight, hips rolling to the music.

Jungkook pulled Taehyung in by the waist, their bodies crashing together.

Jungkook placed a firm hand on the back of Taehyung's neck, pulling him in even closer.

"Grind on me.." Jungkook whispered with a smirk plastered across his face, biting his lip.

Jungkook moved his leg between Taehyung's as Tae started to roll his hips in time with the youngers.

Taehyung's hip movements became faster and more aggressive, causing Jungkook to dig his nails into Tae's ass.

Taehyung threw his head back and let out a slight moan.

"Taehyung-ah, s-stop" Jungkook said, feeling the friction between Taehyung's hips and his own.

Taehyung's hands made their way under Jungkooks shirt, feeling his abs.

Suddenly a hand latched onto Jungkooks, pulling Jungkook and Taehyung out of the crowd.

"Jungkookie! Taehyungie! We're playing dares! Come and join us" Hobi said, leading them away from the party to a more quiet area.

Jimin patted the seat on the log next to him and the two sat down.

"Right who's going first.."

[Beach party: 1:33AM]

The 5 of them all took another shot before starting the game.

"I'll go first!" Shouted Hobi, raising his hand, slightly swaying.

"Jiminie! I dare you to take 4 more shots" said Hobi, confidently crossing his arms with a smug look on his face.





"YeAaaAh BoiIIIiiiI" Jimin slurred, falling onto Yoongi.

"My go my go!" Yoongi said with excitement.

"Hobi I dare you to.... feel up the hottest guy you see" Yoongi smirked, getting revenge for his man.

Hobi started to feel up Yoongis leg sarcastically, Yoongi kicked Hobis hand away from his calf.

"MYyyY gooOoO!" Said Jimin, his body swaying.

He placed his hand on his chin, thinking about what the best dare could be.


"Ah I KnOw!"

"I DaRe JunGkOok And TaeHyUnG to KiSs"


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