Chapter 8: Pinkish cheeks

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It was morning, their first proper day in Hawaii was about to begin.

The sun shone through the balcony, casting rays of sunshine onto Jungkook and Tae's intertwined bodies.

Tae slowly opened his eyes, giving them time to adjust to the bright light shining on them.

Taehyung's leg was wrapped around Jungkooks legs, and his hand resting on his chest. Jungkook had his hands behind his head, supporting his neck.

Oh. My. God. What am I doing? How did I end up cuddling him?

How the fuck am I going to get out of this without waking him.

Tae slowly removed his hand from Jungkooks firm chest running his hand down his abs, taking advantage of the opportunity.

"Having a good feel are we?" Jungkooks raspy morning voice perked up as Tae was mid feeling his muscles.

"I wasn't- this is- an- accident!" Tae stuttered quickly moving away.

"Where do you think you're going" Jungkook smirked, pulling Tae's body back down beside his and his hand once again on his abs.

"I don't mind you know, I worked hard for them so Someone's gotta admire them" Kook said, running his hands through Tae's damp hair.

Fine by me.


The 6 of them all lounged on their private beach, overlooking the Hawaii harbour. the villa was very secluded so no one could see them or get to them.

"Boys, the 4 of us are going to central Hawaii, we shouldn't be long, stay safe and don't forget you've got that beach party tonight!" Mrs Kim said, pointing a finger at them.

"Okay Mum, goodbye for now!" Tae said politely, waving to the 4 of them as they drove off in a jeep.

Tae and Jungkook sun bathed on the soft sand, taking in every single sun ray Hawaii had to offer.

"Come into the water with me Tae" Jungkook said, nudging Tae on the arm

"Look how clear and blue it is, you know you wanna" Kook continued to nudge Tae, egging him on.

"Fine! But if I see a crab You have to get rid of it, otherwise I'll actually cry" Tae said, nervously stepping into the sea with Jungkook

"You're scared of crabs you say?" Kook said with a smirk on his face.

"Yes so don't you dar- JUNGKOOK NO" Tae shouted, running back into the sand.

Jungkook chased Tae around the beach with a bright red crab, dangling it around. Jungkook managed to corner Tae between two rocks.

"Jungkook no, please, I'll do anything" Tae said swatting Kooks hands away, struggling to form sentences from so much laughter.

"Jungkook! It's Justin Bieber look!" Tae shouted , pointing to a plant.

"Where?!??" Jungkook said, immediately turning.

Tae quickly made a dash for the villa but tripped on his own feet, landing on his back in the soft sand.

Jungkook quickly ran over and straddled Tae, pinning his hands down with his right hand and holding the crab in his left.

Suddenly, the laughter came to a halt and Jungkooks hand let go of the crab.

The two looked at eachother.

Jungkooks free hand moved to Tae's face, brushing his thumb over his pinkish cheeks.

"You've got an eyelash on your cheek" Jungkook said, leaning in to Taehyung even closer. Their faces centimetres away.

Taehyung looked at Jungkooks lips, then back to his eyes and lifted his head up to meet Jungkooks.

"I can't do this.." Jungkook said blankly, getting up from Tae's body and making his way inside the house.

For a moment there I thought we were gunna kiss.


Next chapter is where it's gunna go DOWN so stay tuned😌🌹

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