Chapter 16: My paradise is here..

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[History class]

All throughout History Taehyung could not pay attention to Teacher Namjoon, his mind was too occupied on the pink bracelet.

What have I done, I threw that pink bracelet right back in his face, and he's still wearing it? He promised we would match, so I guess he's keeping that promise.

What have I done..

Tae said, biting his nails as he looked out the window at the snowstorm that was happening outside.

"TAEHYUNG!" Namjoon Said, banging on the table.

"I-I'm sorry sir, I was listening.." Taehyung stuttered.

"Stay behind after school please, 5 minutes" Namjoon Said, continuing to teach.

"No sir I can't, you see I have to sort-"

"No buts about it Taehyung, that's final"

[50 minutes later]

"Alright everyone, re read the notes on Henry the eighth for next lesson, classed dismissed" Namjoon Said, clearing the board as everyone stood up to leave.

"Taehyung, here please" Namjoon Said, pointing to the space next to him.

Taehyung walked over to Namjoon and noticed Jungkook was just leaving.

"Sir I'm so sorry, I'll listen more, extra work, whatever you want but I really gotta go" Taehyung quickly said, looking at Jungkook leaving the room.

"No, Taehyung you will stay and do your-" Namjoons sentence was cut off by Jin tugging on his tie.

"On second thought, we'll do this another time Taehyung, off you go"

"THANYOU SIR" Taehyung smiled, as he sprinted out of the room.

He loved me all this time, how did I not see it.

Taehyung smiled as he ran down the dark hallway to the exit of the school. He pushed open the heavy red door to be exposed to the snow storm.

He spotted Jungkook putting on his helmet and mounting his motorbike.

"JUNGKOOK" Tae shouted over the loud wind from the top of the stairs.

Jungkook slowly turned around to look up at Tae.


"The bracelet, y-you still wear it" Tae said, as the harsh snowy wind hit his face.

"Yeah, so what?"

"You still care?" Tae said, shouting over the wind.

"So what if I do" Jungkook spoke sternly, putting on his leather gloves.

"Jungkook, do you still love me?" Tae shouted, a tear slipping down his cheek.

" Taehyung I don't have time for this, you left me, completely alone. The countless nights I cried myself to sleep in that villa without you noticing!-" A tear rolled down Jungkooks cheek beneath his helmet as he sentence trailed off.

"You weren't alone! You got with some girl didn't you! I heard you in history with all your little pathetic friends!" Tae said, clenching his fist.

"I WAS TALKING ABOUT YOU TAEHYUNG, YOU!" Jungkook punched the seat of his motorbike in frustration.

"Jungkook I-I'm sorry, I-I didn't mean to assume-"

"Yeah well it's done, now if you don't mind I'll be on my way" Jungkook said, putting his foot over the motorbike and putting the key in.

Tae caught a glimpse of the bracelet on his wrist.

All the memories we had, the beach walks, splashing eachother in the sea, the nights with endless laughter, it's all gone?

"JUNGKOOK" Tae Shouted, running to the bottom of the stairs.

"WHAT NOW TAE, what's left to say"

"Do you still love me."

"Tae stop this-"

"I SAID, do you still love me."

Jungkook slowly took of his helmet and held it in his hands.


Taehyung wiped a tear from his cheek and ran over to Jungkook. Their lips smashed together, pushing Jungkook into his motorbike, dropping his helmet.

His hands cupped Taehyung's cold flushed face as he looked at him like he was his world.

"I love you too" Tae said, smiling with happiness that he had finally realised what he really wanted.

"Hold that thought-" Jungkook said, letting go of Tae's face, digging around in his backpack.

"What are you doin-"

"Ta da!" Jungkook said holding out a black box.

"It's meant to be a Christmas present buttt a week early won't do any harm, go on, open it"

Taehyung slowly opened the box to be greeted with a note:

To my love on Christmas,
It may not be the manliest thing in the world, and it's not black, and it doesn't have any skulls on it but, wearing a pink bracelet to match with the most beautiful person on this planet is fine by me.
All my love,
Bunny~ Xx

Taehyung smiled as he picked up the pink bracelet.

"You kept it?"

"Of course I did? Now if I may do the honours" Jungkook said, grabbing Tae's hand and slipping the bracelet on, kissing the back of his hand.

Taehyung flashed the biggest box smile that he could to Jungkook.

"Tae, let's go home" Jungkook said, intertwining his hand with Taehyung's, helping him on the motorbike.

Taehyung got onto the back of the bike and clutched onto Kooks waist, burying his head into his neck.

He caught a glimpse of the pink string around his wrist and smiled, looking up to Jungkook in the rear mirror.

I thought my paradise was anywhere but here, someplace sunny, but now I truly see,

My paradise was here, with you, all along.

And there we have it, the end of my second book, I hope we all enjoyed it as much as I did writing it😊aye I'll be out with another book sooner or later but for now, Thankyou! -L

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