Chapter 9: Thighs o'clock

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For a moment there I thought we were going to kiss.


Taehyung quickly stood up, looking around in confusion. The sun was setting fast and the beautiful sunset was once again on show, casting colour after colour onto Taehyung's body.

Taehyung noticed Jungkook stood at the balcony of their room, so decided to go up after him.

Taehyung approached the door to their bedroom and took a deep breath before speaking out and walking towards Kook.

"Jungkook-ah?" Tae said, making his way towards Jungkook.

Tae stood next to Jungkook admiring the sunset.

"W-What was that about earlier?" Taehyung said, moving his hand to Jungkooks.

"Does it matter? No it doesn't, so leave me alone and let's just get ready for this party" Jungkook snapped as he yanked his hand out from Taehyung's.


[Beach party time: 9:57PM]

"Jungkook! Taehyung! Time to leave!" Mrs Kim shouted to the pair up the stairs.

Taehyung came skipping down in baggy blue shorts and a white Gucci shirt, complete with dangly earrings.

"Ah good boy, you look very smart" Mrs Kim smiled, ruffling Taehyung's hair.

"Thanks mum, just waiting on Jungko-" Tae's sentence was suddenly put to a halt as Jungkook made his way down the stairs.

He wore tight black leather shorts, a white shirt and suspenders.

Holy fuck, he's hot.

"Are you just gunna stand there and look at me or are we gunna actually go?" Jungkook said, taking his cigarette out of his mouth and puffing the smoke into Tae's face.

[At the party: 10:16PM]

Taehyung and Jungkook walked onto the beach where the party was being held. It wasn't a 'party' as such, more of a 'sit around the campfire and meet new people'.

Jungkook left Tae's side immediately when he saw 3 hot girls checking him out.


Tae sat on a wooden log around a fire, sipping a cider, he knew he wasn't old enough to drink so he only pretended to drink it.

"Hello!" A friendly voice spoke out from beside Tae.

"O-oh hello? Have we met before?"
Tae said, putting his hand out to shake the blue haired mans hand.

"Ah no, I'm Yoongi! And this is Jimin, my boyfriend" Yoongi smiled, while Tae proceeded to shake Jimins hand.

"Very nice to meet you guys!" Tae smiled, glancing over at Jungkook who was surrounded by a pack of girls.

"Ooo so who's that guy over there?" A red haired man joined in the conversation, poking his head between Yoongi and Jimin.

"Aish Hobi-hyung! Taehyung this is Hobi" Jimin Said, Cupping Hobis face with his hands.

"No I mean THAT guy over there, brown hair, thighs o'clock, white shirt" Hobi explained, directly pointing at Jungkook.

"That's Jungkook, hes my-..." Tae looked to Kook, his sentence trailing off.

"Pwoah, let's get him over here" Hobi insisted, calling over Jungkook to the campfire.

Oh no.

Jungkook wearily made his way over to the 3 strangers and took a seat next to Taehyung.

"Uh yeah?" Jungkook said awkwardly, scratching his head.

"So you're Jungkook? It sure is a pleasure to meet you" Hobi said, sliding over to Kooks side.

"Aha- y-yeah" Jungkook said, looking slightly awkward.

"Here have a shot guys" Hobi passed Jungkook and Taehyung 2 shots each.

"HERES TO A GOOD NIGHT, NEW FRIENDS, AND GETTING DRUNK" Hobi shouted, everyone knocking back their shots in unison.

Jungkook slowly moved his hand up Tae's leg, resting it on his upper thigh as he lent into his ear.

"Heres to a good night ey....Taehyung oppa" Jungkook smirked, taking another shot.

Did he just call me...

What in the fuck.

Okay so next chapter it actually does go DOWN I just felt like I needed to explain the story a lil more 💞

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