Chapter 15: After all this time

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^^ aye pretend it's pink

[Airport time : 10:34AM]

"HURRY YOUR ASS UP OTHERWISE WE'LL MISS THIS FLIGHT!" Mr Jeon shouted up the balcony to Mrs Jeon who was taking decades to get ready.

"It's been so fun hanging out with you guys, I hope we meet again one day" Jungkook said to Hobi, Jimin And Yoongi who came to see them off.

"Aishh, you'll make me cry" Yoongi said, wiping fake tears from his cheek.

"BRING IT IN GUYS!" Hobi Shouted as the 4 of them group hugged.

"Wait wait, Taehyung! Get over here!" Jimin Shouted, waving Tae over.

Tae joined the circled, ignoring Jungkook and standing next to Jimin.

"Right come on you two, time to go" smiled Mrs Kim.

Jungkook and Taehyung leaned out of the jeeps windows and waved.

"SEE YOU AGAIN SOON!" Jungkook shouted as they drove off.

They both sat themselves back down into the jeep, Jungkook still smiling about his 3 new friends. Jungkook looked to Taehyung expecting him to still be smiling too. He wasn't.

"So, Taehyung"


Silence it is then..

[South Korea airport: 3:45PM]

"It's been an amazing 2 weeks! Thankyou for inviting us once again!" Mrs Jeon said to Mrs Kim pulling her into a tight hug, while the dads did their dad handshake.

Taehyung and Jungkook stood in silence as they waited for the goodbyes to be over.

"We'll be seeing you soon! Taehyung, are you not going to say anything to Jungkook?" Mrs Kim prompted Tae.


And with that he turned around and left the airport.

The 5 of them stood in shock as they watched Tae walk out, dragging his suitcase behind him.

[Monday morning : School : 2:32PM]

Taehyung walked into History class , the last class of the day. The misery of being back in snowy Korea instead of the sun was getting to him.

He walked in to see Jungkook sat on the same table with the same pathetic people, who still surrounded him like he was a God.

Nothings changed, what was I expecting.

Tae took a seat and started on his work.

"Dude how was your lame trip to Hawaii?" One of the minions said, the rest of them snorting with laughter.

"Yeah what were the chicks like there? Get any numbers?" The boys said, nudging Jungkook.

"There was this one person, we made out, short fluffy brownish blondish hair, funny, kind, really good thighs" Jungkook muttered, puffing his cigarette.

"Omg she sounds amazing, where can I get me a girl like that"

"Aye hands off, they didn't want me in the end anyway.." Jungkook said, lowering his cigarette .

Of course he got with some girl, typical, probably at the party that night.

The conversation continued as the rest of them joked around, Tae tried not to listen as he wasn't interested.

Suddenly, the laughs came to a halt.

"Dude why are you wearing a pink bracelet? Did your girl get you that" the ginger haired boy said, making the others laugh.

Pink bracelet? He's still wearing it...

After all this time...

Ohhhhh Boi we're nearly at the end🤞🏼

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