Chapter 7: Close proximity

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The 6 of them sat around the long rectangular dining table, complete with candles and flowers, eating dinner.

"So boys, what are you going to do tomorrow?" Jungkooks mother said, breaking the awkward silence.

"I'm gunna go and find myself some hot girls-"

"Jungkook! Stop being so vulgar!" Jungkooks mother slammed her fist against the table, interrupting his sentence.

"Luckily, me and your mother have arranged for you and Tae to attend a youths beach party tomorrow night!" Mrs Kim spoke up, trying to ease the tension.

"Oh goodie, ey Tae, spend some quality time together" Jungkook smirked sarcastically, squeezing Tae's thigh.

Ah shit. Thanks mum.

[Bedtime: 11:36PM]

Tae and Jungkook made their way up to their bedroom, Taehyung began to sweat at the thought of sharing a bed with his no.1 hated person.

Who happened to be really attractive.

Jungkook opened the door and went straight into the en-suite bathroom, giving Tae time to undress down to his boxers and hide under the sheets so Jungkook didn't see.

Jungkook came out of the bathroom to see Tae snuggled up in a blanket.

"Aren't you warm? It's like 35 degrees? We are in Hawaii you know?" Jungkook said, staring at Tae from the foot of their bed.

"No I'm fine, I actually don't get cold-" Taehyung Said nervously, wiping sweat from his forehead.

"Rightttttt..." Jungkook said, flashing Taehyung a strange look, clearly seeing him sweating.

Real subtle Tae. Nice one.

Jungkook removed his white shirt and leather pants once again, flopping onto the bed next to Tae, not getting under the blanket.

Taehyung gulped as he caught a glimpse of Jungkooks abs beside him.

Jungkook noticed Taehyung staring at his body.

"You know if you take a picture, it'll last longer, I'll even pose if you want" Jungkook said sarcastically, rolling over slightly to Taehyung.

Jungkook turned the side lamp off, and the room was dark. Nothing but the sound of the sea and the moonlight peaking through the curtains.

"I do know you're just in boxers by the way, it's no big deal? You don't have to hide from me" Jungkook said gently, breaking the silence.

Oh just give it up Tae

Tae, taking his own advice, slipped out of the blanket and laid on top of it.

Jungkooks thigh and his pressed up against eachother due to the small space.

"Uh- sorry we have to be this close" Tae said, trying to shuffle away.

"-no- stay!" Jungkook said, clasping onto Tae's arm, pulling him back into the bed.

Their bodies beginning to become sweaty with the humid air and the close proximity of their warm bodies.

Suddenly Tae felt a strong grip wrap around his upper thigh.

"Uh Jungkook- that's my thigh, not yours"

"Yeah I know" Jungkook smirked.

"What are you gunna do about it nerd?"

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