Chapter 4: Tight grip

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[the morning of the holiday: 2:36AM]

[Departure time of plane: 7:00AM]

"Taehyung! Hurry! The taxi is waiting!" Tae's mother shouted from the living room, Tae rushed down the stairs, dragging his suitcase behind him.

"Alright alright! I'm here, can we go now?" Tae said as he rolled his eyes and sighed.

"Yes your fathers already in the taxi, go!" Mrs Kim said, shooing Taehyung into the black car.

Taehyung sat in the car next to his father, waiting for his mum to put the rest of the bags into the car. Tae put his headphones in to make the time go faster.

Suddenly his headphone was pulled out.

"Taehyung, I shouldn't have to tell you anyway but I'm going to. Be nice to the young boy coming with us, you never know! He could be your long lost best friend ey!" Tae's father chuckled as he playfully pushed Tae.

'Long lost best friend' PFTT couldn't of picked a worse person than Jeon Jungkook himself .

[At the airport: 4:27AM]

Tae unpacked his bag from the black car and dragged it along the airport grounds. It was -4 degrees so the three of them practically ran into the airport to get to the warmth.

"So Tae start looking for Jungkook, quite tall, brown ha...."

Tae's mother continued to describe Jungkook as Tae stood with a blank expression just nodding from time to time.

Oh I know exactlyyyy who I'm looking for, an idiot!

"There they are!" Mrs Kim shouted as she ran into her friends embrace

"Gosh it's been forever! How have you all been" Mr Kim spoke out, shaking the hand of Jungkooks dad.

"I almost forgot! Jungkook this is Tae, Tae this is-"

"I know who he is." Jungkook said bluntly, as he interrupted his mums sentence.

"Oh- you two- know eachother?"


"Uh yeah mum, Jungkook is a good friend of mine-" Tae said, nudging Jungkook to play along.

"Ouch- oh- HAHA yeah, me and Tae, best of pals" Jungkook smiled through gritted teeth, punching Tae on the arm.

"That's brilliant! Come on then boys, let's go catch that plane!" Jungkooks mum said, with a sense of optimism in her voice.

Suddenly a tight grip latched onto Taehyung's shoulder ,Jungkook pulling him into his chest and his face close to his ear.

"Speak to me again on this trip, and you're a dead rat"

Oh shit.

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