Chapter 3: I'm dead

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[later that day]

Taehyung sprinted out of school, almost falling flat on his perfect face nearly slipping on the ice. Desperately needing to get home, he decided to not bother waiting for his lift and run home.

Taehyung arrived at home in a record breaking time, panting and puffing out of breath as he burst into his house.

"MUM!" Tae shouted so loud his voice voice echoed throughout the street.

"SHUSHHH, stop that, what can be so important you need to let the entire street know!" Mrs Kim spoke, putting her finger against her lips.

"Your friends, the ones we're going on holiday with, what's the sons name" Tae spoke, trying to act calm as he crossed his fingers behind his back, hoping it wasn't who he thought it was.

"Ooh, that's a good question, ah- uh- um.."

"THINK FASTER!!" Tae shouted.

"Something beginning with G I believe? Yeah pretty sure it begins with G" Mrs Kim blurted out , putting her hand to her chin in thought.

PHEW! It begins with G, his name begins with J, unless I've been misspelling his name for 10 year-

"Actually- no- hold on" Mrs Kim said, interrupting Tae's train of thought.

HOLD ON? Fuck, say it begins with z, anything but J

"Jungkook! That's the one!"

Maybe it's another Jungkook Tae don't panic just yet.

"Jeon Jungkook! Yes I remember him now, brown hair, brown eyes, tall-"

Tae backed up towards the front door, tripping over his Gucci sliders. His face in absolute shock.

"Tae What are you doin-"

"I'm going out! Bye!" Tae said, swiftly closing the door behind him, fake smiling at his mum but ending up looking like he was in pain.

Oh no no no, this is not good, 2 weeks, with Jungkook, the idiot. Death sounds great right about now.

Tae quickly walked down the street to the park to calm down, furiously scrolling through his phone.


How to get out of a family holiday
How to jump out of a plane
How to cancel plane tickets
Can I swim from Hawaii to South Korea
Best way to die in Hawaii

Oo death by volcano sounds exotic and tropical

Tae brushed the snow off the swing at the park, he sat down on his coat, that wasn't really his coat it was Jungkooks so he didn't mind ruining it.

He continued to read through the Wikihow on how to jump out of a plane.

Suddenly his phone lit up as a notification appeared from the top of his phone.

~Snapchat from: 'Jung-idiot✋🏼'~

He's never snapchatted me in my entire life, this can't be good. I thought I blocked him?

 I thought I blocked him?

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Oh no, he found out.

I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead

Tae sent a snapchat back, making sure he didn't get on the wrong side of Jungkook, considering the 2 week holiday coming up in 1 week. He sent a photo of his legs on the swing with the caption "hah yeah, good one"

"That better not be MY puffer jacket rat" Jungkook replied

Well now I defiantly am dead.

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