Chapter 6: 3 course meal

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Taehyung and Jungkook dragged their suitcases up the stairs and entered their shared bedroom.

Tae rested his suitcase against the wall and began unpacking, hanging his Gucci ties on display.

"Shit, that beds small" Jungkook said as his suitcase dropped to the floor.

"Haha yeah but I'm sure-"

"Yeah yeah enough of the chit chat" Jungkook cut off Tae's sentence as he pulled his shirt over his head, making his way to the balcony of their room.

Taehyung dropped his phone onto the marble floor in shock from suddenly being exposed to Jungkooks back muscles.


Taehyung stared at Jungkooks back as he stood enjoying the sun and admiring the view of the sea.

Jungkook suddenly started to undo the zipper to his leather jeans, jeans that clearly emphasised his thigh muscles as he walked.

Taehyung's jaw dropped as Jungkooks jeans hit the floor, leaving him in just boxers.

"Oi Taehyung, pass me my swimming trunks out of my suitcase will you?" Jungkook shouted over, slowly turning around, exposing his abs.

Taehyung stared blankly at Jungkooks body, not acknowledging the question he'd been asked.

"OI TAEHYUNG- AH" Jungkooks husky voice finally got Tae's attention, Tae shook his head, snapping back into reality.

"Ah- uh- sure- hah" Tae laughed awkwardly, passing Jungkook his trunks.

Wait he swims with his boxers on?

"Oh I almost forgot my boxers!"


[Meal time : 6:46PM]

"Boys! Dinner!" Mrs Kim shouted, peering her head around the glass door.

The sunset was beautiful, orange, yellow and reds casted rays of warmth across the pool and onto Taehyung who was sun bathing.

Taehyung was never confident in his body, so he layed on the sun lounger with a towel over his tummy, so not really sun bathing at all.

Jungkook had been in the pool all of the day, doing length after length.

He stood up in the pool and ran his fingers through his wet hair, throwing his head back. He slowly made his his way to the steps of the infinity pool and made his way up them.

Taehyung slid his sunglasses down to the end of his nose so he could get a better view.

Beads of water glistened on his tanned skin from the sun as they ran down his abs. His swimming shorts clung to his thighs , his muscles twitched as he walked up another step. He walked in front of the sunset, casting a shadow over Taehyung's body as he stood at the foot of his sun lounger.

"Come on nerd" Jungkook whispered as he walked away, Taehyung doing a 360 turn just to check out his ass.

Well damn, he's a 3 course meal.

Jungkook really is a buffet let's be real here

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