Chapter 13: I'm lucky...

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[The next morning: 8:56AM]

The sun shone through the balcony onto Taehyung's sleeping body. He slowly opened his eyes, squinting as they adjusted to the bright light.

Taehyung looked to Jungkook, he had his face nuzzled in the crook of his neck, his warm breath on Tae's collarbone. His arms around Tae's waist, and legs intertwined.

Tae smiled and pulled Jungkook closer into him.

Wow, I'm lucky...

Tae smirked, thinking of how he could take advantage of this situation, he slid his hand down the small of Kooks back and squeezed his ass.

"Having a nice feel are we?" Jungkook said, breathing onto Taehyung's neck.

"This, Uh is an acciden- ah who am I trying to kid, this ain't no accident" Taehyung gave in and laughed to himself.

"So, about last night-" Taehyung started, suddenly his mum burst into the door.

"MORNING! How was the party last night? What time did you get in? Meet any girls? Do you have a girlfriend? Get any numbers?" Taehyung's mum said in excitement.

I mean no girls but I did get Jungkooks thighs around my nec-

[Midday: 12:07PM]

Tae stood in front of the mirror, towel around his waist, having just showered, he was desperately trying to blow dry his hair so it wouldn't go all fluffy.

Jungkook came up behind Taehyung and wrapped his arms around his waist and placed his chin on his shoulder. He admired Taehyung in the mirror.

"We should do something today, just me and you" Jungkook said, as he pecked Tae's cheek.

"Mm that sounds like fun, where shall we be going bunny?" Tae said, resting his head on Jungkooks, smiling at him through the mirror.

"I reckon central Hawaii, we can get dinner, ice cream, hit the gift shops, then watch the sunset on the beach" Kook said, turning Tae around the face him.

Tell him now.

"Sounds wonderful, let's go" Tae said gently, cupping Jungkooks face with his hands and pecking him.

[Central Hawaii: 3:23PM]

Just say it now.

"Taehyung, I-"

"Jungkook! Can we get matching, please please please I'll do anything!" Taehyung tugged at Jungkooks arm, convincing him to get matching pink bracelets with him.

"Can we not get something a bit more manly, like matching skull tattoos?" Jungkook said, frowning at the bright pink string.

Jungkook looked to Taehyung who started to pretend cry.

"...just because it's you, alright" Jungkook gave into Tae as he tied the string around his wrist.

The two walked along the harbour, hand in hand, listening to the sea crash against the docks.

I'll tell him now.

Jungkook looked to His and Tae's hands, interlocked. He smiled and lifted Tae's hand to his mouth and kissed it.

Say it now.

"Oh Stop, you'll make me blush" Tae laughed, nudging Jungkook.

"Let's skip the fancy dinner, I say we have ice cream instead" Jungkook said, pointing to an ice cream shack.

"SOUNDS GREAT" Tae said pulling Jungkook over to the ice cream.

[Main Hawaii Beach: 7:17PM]

The two sat on the sand, Taehyung leaning on Jungkook and his hand on his knee, tracing circles on the youngers thigh.

The sun was setting fast, a ray of orange and reds cascaded over the two. Jungkook turned to Taehyung.

Just say it now.


"Well you can just call me sugar daddy Tae, since I just paid for your ice cream" Tae smiled and looked up at Jungkook.

"Sorry about that, what kind of date leaves their wallet at the villa"

"Date-?" Taehyung sat up surprised.


Jungkook extended his arm out to Taehyung's face and brushed his thumb over his warm cheek. He smiled gently and looked into Taehyung's chestnut eyes.

"Taehyung, I-"

Jungkook took a deep breath and sighed.

"I think I'm in love with you..."

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