Chapter 11: That was hot

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" I dare Jungkook and Taehyung to kiss".


[Beach party: 2:07AM]

"Jimin don't embarrass the two lads, we've only just met them!" Yoongi said, nudging Jimin with a concerned look.

"Yoongi I just wanted to see some hot guys make out what can I sayYYyY" Jimin smiled, nudging Yoongi back.

"Sure, why the fuck not" Jungkook said, Taehyung quickly turning to him in shock.

"J-Jungkook you don't mean that right?" Taehyung said, slightly confused.

"It's only a dare, relax" Jungkook lowered his voice to a whisper, only audible to Taehyung. Jungkook slid his hand on the small of Taehyung's back reassuring him.

"Have you ever kissed a guy before?" Jungkook smirked, his hand slowly finding its way up Tae's thigh and under his shorts.

"I- uh- no" Tae said, subtlety pulling away, Jungkook pulling him back in.

"But do you wanna?" Jungkook said, licking his lower lip.

"Y-yeah" Taehyung hesitated, even though he knew he wanted to.

"Well, guess you got your wish then."

Jungkook closed his eyes and pulled Tae's face into his by the back of his neck.

Their lips met.

The kiss started off with small gentle kisses, their lips moving in synch with eachother and hands on eachothers bodies. Soon Jungkook wanted more, pulling Tae back in, putting his tongue in Tae's mouth, exploring every corner of it. Their soft lips bounced off eachother as Jungkook bit Tae's bottom lip, saliva escaping Tae's mouth and down his chin. Jungkook ran his hand over Tae's area and palmed him through his boxers, luckily the others couldn't see, but Tae opened his eyes at this and pulled away, a string of saliva still connected to Kooks lips.

Jungkook pulled away, wiping his mouth with his hand to get rid of the saliva on his chin.

Taehyung also wiping the saliva from his lips, looked up to see the other 3 intensely watching, eyes wide and jaws dropped.

"Well shit, that was hot." Yoongi said, turning to Jimin.

"Im A MaTCh mAkEr I tOlD yOu!" Jimin said, squishing Yoongis cheek with his index finger.

"Yano, considering you've never kissed a guy before, I'm hella turned on-"

Jungkook said, leaning back, spreading his legs a tiny bit.

"Ooookkkaaayyyy end of conversation, me and Jungkook have to go home now, it was nice meeting you, goodbye!" Taehyung grabbed Jungkooks hand and dragged him off the beach and back to the villa.

"Oh! Ok! Bye?" Yoongi said, shouting after them, slightly confused.

"Why do you think they ran off to fast? Do you think we scared them?" Hobi questioned.

"THeY'vE pRobAbLy goNe tO fUcK gUyS cAlm DoWn" Jimin Said, half asleep on Yoongis shoulder.


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