Chapter 2: Choking on air

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[Later that day]

Taehyung walked into his house, kicking his boots against the wall to get the excess snow off.

"Hey mum!" Tae shouted, seeing if anyone was in.

"Hey Tae" Mrs Kim shouted back to Tae from the kitchen.

"Before you go upstairs, come here please"

Oh no what have I done now? I've done nothing? Maybe she found out about the detention? Or maybe because I maxed my credit I card out on that Gucci tie, oops.

"Yeah mum?" Tae said quietly, peering around the kitchen door, ready to make a run for it if he was in trouble.

"We're going on holiday!"

Oh, that was nicer than expected.

"What really? Where to?" Tae said as he sprung out from hiding behind the door.

"Hawaii! It'll be me, you, your farther, our two friends and their son, it's going to be brilliant sweetie" Mrs Kim spoke with excitement, Tae's face dropped to a disappointed frown.

"Don't be like that young man! You and the others will get along really well! The son is the same age as you anyway, maybe a couple of months younger.." Mrs Kim said, pointing a stern finger at Taehyung.

"Righttttt, whatever you say mum, whatever you say" Tae sighed as he dragged his feet up the stairs and flopped onto his bed.

Hawaii? For Christmas? With some strangers? PFT great.

Taehyung crossed his arms in frustration as he rolled his eyes.

I can't wait.

[the next day]

Taehyung skipped into high school, almost forgetting that he was going on holiday with a bunch of randomers.

Tae was always the first to history class, it was his favourite subject, but that was also Jung-idiot's room he liked to hang out in with all of his equally pathetic  friends.

Tae slowly entered the room and the 5 of them stopped talking to death stare Taehyung until he sat down.

"Morning nerd" one of them shouted, throwing paper at Taehyung again.

Jungkook sat on the desk, and the others on chairs around him, like he was some sort of king.

"Anyway like I was saying, I'm not here for Christmas dude" Jungkook continued, puffing a cigarette.

"Wait why not man, you never go away for Christmas?" One of the younger boys spoke.

"Yeah but this year my lame ass mum and dad are making me go on holiday to fuckin Hawaii with this other pathetic family, yeah it blows I know" Jungkook said, shrugging his shoulders.


Taehyung started literally choking on air from the thought and shock of there being a 99% that he was the son of the friends they were going to Hawaii with.

"Hope you choke alien" Jungkook sniggered as the 4 boys laughed.

No fucking way, no no, he's not the son is he? Maybe he's not? Come on Tae who else goes to Hawaii for Christmas, this is NOT good, Brain I REPEAT THIS. IS. NOT. GOOD.

Taehyung sat staring at his desk in his own world trying to convince himself that Is was not Jungkook, not even noticing the bell rang to start lesson.

"Oi Rat" Jungkooks deep voice resonating in Taehyungs ears as he flicked Tae on the forehead.

Taehyung snapped out of his trance to see Jungkook standing tall over his desk.

Jungkook blew a big grey puff of smoke from his cigarette into Taehyung's face.

Tae waved his arms, trying to get rid of the black smoke.

I've just gotta pray that when I get to that airport I see a really nice, well mannered, Gucci wearing, young fellow.

Just gotta pray.

Ive got so much planned for this book, ah just you wait😌

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