Chapter 14: Pink bracelet

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[Hawaii Beach: 7:27PM]

"Y-you're what?"

"I'm in love with you.."

Jungkook hung his head, twiddling his thumbs, ashamed of himself.

"But what about your reputation? 'Bad boy Jungkook' will be over if the people at school find out about this" Taehyung said, with a sense of sadness in his voice.

"I don't care."

"And what about our parents? What do you think they'll say ey!"

"I don't care."

"And all the girls that swoon over you?"

"I don't care about them, any of them!...I only want you" Jungkook shouted, abruptly standing up.

Tae took a deep breath in and stood up, facing Jungkook.

"I need time to think all of this through, I need to think about I want. I'm going back to the villa, find your own way back" Tae said as he dropped some money on the floor for Jungkook to get home.

Jungkook fell to his knees, picking up the money. He looked to the money in his hand and saw the pink bracelet that Tae had given back to him.

His eyes looked up to see Taehyung walking off the beach.

But why.

[That night: 11:36PM]

Jungkook entered the villa, he had spent his night aimlessly wandering the streets of Hawaii, thinking.

He walked to the top of the stairs, he checked on his mum and dad who were fast asleep. He smiled and closed the door.

He approached The door to his and Tae's room, looking at the pink bracelet in his hand, he smiled.

Tae was fast asleep, curled up in a ball on the very far side of the bed. Jungkook climbed into the bed next to him.

The two laid separately on the far sides of the bed. A tear rolled down Jungkooks cheek onto the pillow beneath his head as he clutched onto the pink bracelet. His eyes slowly shut and drifted off to sleep.

[The next morning: 8:16AM]

"TAEHYUNG NO!" Jungkook shouted, abruptly sitting up, panting, as sweat dripped down his forehead.

Phew, just a dream.

Jungkook patted the bed beside him, hoping to be greeted with Taehyung's body, but his hand hit the sheets below him.

He wasn't there.

"Jungkook darling are you okay? What's all the shouting about?" Mrs Jeon opened the door, looking concerned.

"Yeah yeah fine, where's Taehyung?"

"My my, he's been gone for about 4 hours now, something about needing space?"

"Right.." Jungkook said, looking down.

"Anything else?"

", ah yes dear he was going to get some presents for his family, seen as though we leave in a week" Mrs Jeon said smiling.

"O-okay, thanks mum"

As the door closed Jungkook threw himself back down on his bed, lighting a cigarette.

"What have I done" he said, puffing the smoke out with a sigh.

"What have I done.."

(It doesn't end all doom and gloom dw fam)

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