Makeup,Dancing and a Slappy Birthday

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Ok I don't know why I never wrote about this sooner this was one of the most idiotic and funniest things that had happened to me (2) and my friend(1). (Side Note the layout above is of the hotel room that we were in, its just so you know what direction i was taking.) This moment, this story happened all the way back in the summer of 2015. I also changed the names of my friends in this story for privacy reasons since they both have pretty unique and uncommon names.

Back in the summer of 2015, the first week of August to be exact, it was the day before one of my best friends birthday. The birthday girl Ondina, our other friend Iris, me, and our moms all went to a hotel for Ondina's sixteenth birthday. It was a nice suite, big enough for the six of us. we also had two other friends Ondina's Boyfriend Carter and his best friend Eli. That night in the hotel lounge they were doing an open mic karaoke. About forty five minutes before we went down there, Eli for some reason he let us put makeup on him, not a little makeup a lot we used mascara, eye shadow, power foundation, blusher, bronzer, pressed powder, and lipstick. After we did that I made a funny remark, I said that "for the rest of the night I'm going to call you Elie", and we did. After that we all went down to the lounge, me and Ondina did a solo song each and Iris and I did a duet because she didn't want to sing alone. After that, the guy that was running the karaoke machine announced for some named "Elie" to take her turn, The woman who had signed up must've left before she could take her turn singing. So me, Iris, and Ondina pushed Eli to go up, which to our surprise he actually went with it. He had walked up, more like strutted up to guy and took the mic, and when we all thought he was actually going to sing he put his arm down to his side and started dancing instead. The way he was dancing was absolutely hilarious and after a minute of dancing he gave the mic back and i kid you not he bowed and said thank you.

About a couple hours after that, Carter and Eli left and us girls were relaxing in our room, while our moms were getting ready for bed. Me, Iris and Ondina all have this tradition to see which one of us can say happy Birthday first. As I was in the bedroom area putting on my sleepwear, i had looked at the clock and it was nearing midnight at the moment it was eleven fifty eight I grabbed my mums phone to track the time on the clock/ stopwatch app. at exactly forty five seconds after eleven fifty nine I got up off the first bed and walked toward the living area were the desk was Iris was laying out on the pull out bed on reading a book . I saw Ondina standing right next to the desk, back turned toward me. Once the clock had changed from eleven fifty nine to midnight I practically yelled "happy birthday" scaring the crap out of her making her jump, and turned herself so fast around, she slapped me in the face with a thick laminated menu. The hit itself was hard you could literally hear the slap as well as my quick scream from the slap, the scream itself was quick yet loud. Loud enough to get our parents out into the living area. for a few seconds after the slap and my scream we both went into a small shock not saying anything. after a few seconds we snapped out of shock and just starting laughing, even though i was slapped and my cheek was pink and throbbing I was laughing. Ondina then started apologizing through her laughs and I just said to everyone that she just slapped me through my laughs.

Me, the person who would laugh at her own pain.

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