Culinary stand up

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Ok back in middle school I was usually never one to stand up for myself or others. I was a really shy kid, always hiding in the background, I was the definition of a loner kid. But that change in the middle of the seventh grade. In seventh grade I was in a culinary class it was my absolute favorite class. When I first started taking the class the teacher was super nice. I had a foot "deformity" meaning that my big toe was curved in and I have no arch in my foot which also caused planter fasciitis. So I couldn't wear closed toed shoes. But he had allowed me to wear slippers and just not do the actual cooking, but I was still allowed to go in the kitchen area. After everyone was done cooking we would eat our creations. So I was the one to set my groups table and clean my groups dishes so I was still involved. But after the first quarter was over and the second quarter had started we got a new culinary teacher, and for some unknown reason I think she hated me. I did nothing to the woman I was a good kid that listened to all the rules. But when it was time to cook she wouldn't let me go in the kitchen. I tried to explain to her what the last teacher let me do but she wouldn't have it. "If you don't sneakers or boots, you are not allowed in the kitchen" for the first couple days I was upset, and just took it and sat in the front at my group desks.I continued to try and tell her what I was allowed to do before, to be included the group activity. But on the third day, in the middle of class I snapped, she had said something to me that made so angry. I stood up from my table and she walked to me, standing face to face, I was a little intimidating being that me a seventh grader was taller than her. I told her that I wanted to be included in my group. She said to me that if I put my foot out of line I was in for detention, and me being a smart ass said in quote "I'm leaving, you can't give me detention, if I'm not in your class", it was the middle of the period as well. I proceeded to walk out of the door with my stuff, and went to the guidance counselors office and told her everything that had happened with the teacher, and requested to be put in a different class. I was then put in technology, which I actually enjoyed.

I was so proud of myself that day, that was the first time I had advocated for myself. I'm pretty sure that the teacher was also put on suspension, for a couple days for not allowing a student to participate in mandatory class activities

A/N whoever is reading this, I want you, yes YOU to put in the comments, the first time you advocated and stood up for yourself and share how you felt.

And if there are some shy people that are afraid to speak up, don't let people push you around it's not healthy, work on lifting your confidence, start small if you have to.

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