A toddler Contortionist

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A/N this isn't really one situation, its more of a story and a half, the half being a few fun facts about moi, that I crammed into one because they all relate to the same thing.

I am pretty flexible, and by pretty flexible I mean I am a freak who can turn a few body parts in ways no person should be able to do. I can put my foot behind my head and have it rest on my shoulder, I can also bring both of my feet to my ears and pretend like its a telephone, (but, somehow i can't do a scorpion) and i can do a lot of other weird things, like twist my arm backwards and bring it to the side, bend my thumb to my wrist, cross my ring finger and pinky, and middle finger and index finger at the same time, i can also cross my legs in an "Indian style" without it bothering me its been my natural sitting position ever since i was little, but the slight difference is that my knees don't point upwards they lay flat to the ground, just to name a few.

This one time when I was three and a half, maybe four I was in the car with my mum with me being a toddler, I was in a car seat in the back. Now I was always a hyper active person, but it was a little unbearable for the first few years of my child hood, so I was very jumpy and squirmy. My mum had a nice car seat for me, it would latch me in, in various ways. So as my mum was driving on the highway, I had some how contorted my tiny little body and was able to squirm my way out of my car seat and stood up on the back seat jumping. My mum had looked up at her mirror and freaked out when she saw me standing and told me to sit down. Once i was down she had pulled her car out of the traffic and found an area to pull over in so she could get out and re strap me in my car seat.

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